Search Engine Optimization Marketing Backlink Answers

Share: Search engine optimization marketing consists of backlinks which are one of the most
important aspects to gaining importance in search engines and obtaining traffic. Backlinks are links on WebSites for your site pointing to your site. There are many variations but the basics are three kinds.
1.One way backlinks which is a link pointing to your site but you do not have a link on your site pointing to their site.
2.Two way or link trading where two websites trade links and each place a link on their site for the other site as part of their search engine optimization marketing strategy. Generally a mini directory is created to display the links and keep them in an organized manner.
3.Three way links. These are mainly done by webmasters for a couple reasons which can be:
a.They have a WebSite they need links to point to but never set up a trade situation for that site which could be due to not wanting to place links on that site or it is only a sales page or they have such a great google ranking for the site that they do not want to risk affecting the google ranking negatively.
b.They prefer to use a junk site to point to your site whereas they want your site to point to their quality site. Review these very carefully as these can affect your search engine optimization marketing quite negatively if you end up with a 'banned' site pointing to your site or something similar.
Search engine optimization marketing strategies for your WebSite should include checking how may backlinks you have versus your competitors and you can do this easily by using the internet tool provided by the LinkPopularity website. This tool can be VERY valuable when planning your search engine optimization marketing. The reason for this is, the more websites that point to your site, the more important your WebSite is considered to be by search engines. Obviously if a WebSite placed a link to your site on their site, they must have considered your site to be an authority on the subject of your site and also important to them.
A manuever you can do using google itself to not only see how many backlinks a site has but also who is linking to the site is to go to the google search and enter in the following information. Pages: "the full url of the subject site". Make sure you use the pages and the : and the "'s as shown. You then will see every page having that URL on it. This system is always current whereas the LinkPopularity website may not have the most current information on it.
Search engine optimization marketing strategies which use backlinks as a way to build a WebSite traffic experience a slow growth as a rule as each backlink request is done to the WebSite which will place it on their site. Even though it is a slow process, the big benefit to the backlink such as this, is it will stay on the other WebSite as a rule, for the full life of that WebSite. The other benefit is that it doesn't have to cost anything and yes, over time, you will receive visitors from this backlink.
A big concern within the search engine optimization marketing involving your site is when 'trading' links for your WebSite. This can be a good practice and can affect your search engine rankings, however, there are two elements that should be evaluated to obtain quality search engine optimization marketing.
The quality of a link being placed on your WebSite should be judged based on content of the other WebSite and google rankings. A good motto is to never trade links with a WebSite with NO google ranking simply due to accidently trading links with a google banned site. By using the google toolbar, you can see the ranking for a site just by typing in the URL in your browser address bar and visiting the site. You want the ranking to be at least '0' up to '10'. When you use your cursor to 'run over' the bar showing the ranking, a line of text will come up showing the ranking for the site such as 2/10 or 3/10, etc. Google shows it's rankings this way as 10 is the best score that can be obtained and 0 is the lowest. If the site states it is not ranked by google, then their may be a reason such as banned or maybe simply just a brand new site.
Since this is an important factor, if you made your rule for your WebSite trading that the other site needs to have a 3/10 or better ranking, by also choosing the right content and sound search engine optimization marketing techniques, you can somewhat affect your own google ranking subject to the quality of your own WebSite.
When trading links, if you can choose sites with similar anchor links, it will benefit you greatly. An anchor link is the text showing available for 'clicking', etc. If you have to divert from this at all, then try to adhere to contents on other sites that use one or more of your keywords for your WebSite.
One last word of caution for planning your search engine optimization marketing, do not use link farms and do not set up an automatic exchange of links without reviewing the WebSite you will be placing a link for on your WebSite. Doing these things do not result in quality
search engine optimization marketing because of many reasons. One is, of course, search engines will see you doing this and discount the value and quality of your WebSite. Another reason is that many of these consist of what is viewed as junk sites as they consist mostly of bad ranking and also they will not give you the benefit of checking for harmonious content.
by: Sandi Belisle
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