Remove Skin Tags At Home With These Methods - Doctor Free!

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Skin tags affect many people worldwide of all ages and gender. They are known not to be harmful to your body and are a natural occurrence.
However, sometimes they can feel uncomfortable if appearing in the wrong spot, especially where two pieces of skin may rub together. This can cause a little discomfort and why many want to attempt to remove them.
They can also become quite an eyesore, especially if they are in view, such as on the face or neck. So many people look and opt to remove their skin tags at home. So, how can you actually remove them without a doctor, in the comfort of your own home?

Share: 1. Cutting Off The Blood!
One of the most common talked about ways to remove skin tags at home is to cut off the blood supply running the the tag. This can cause the tag to in affect die after being cut off from the blood. This can then enable easy removal and they do tend to drop off most of the time.
2. Vitamin E Can Help
You can actually acquire Vitamin E from capsules. By piercing a capsule you can dab the Vitamin E onto the skin tag and cover with a band aid. By doing so, the tags blood and air supply is cut off, and the Vitamin E works to heal the skin surrounding it.
Like with the above tip, once the blood and air have been cut off, many skin tags take the dive and actually drop right off. By applying Vitamin E, you are allowing your skin to heal once this happens!
3. Duct Tape Can Work
Another way to remove skin tags at home can be with the use of Duct Tape! General household duct tape can be applied to the area of the skin to cover it. This can then suffocate the tag cutting off the air supply. Keeping this on for a day and then checking if the tag as fallen off is the best way.
Sometimes it doesn't work and if this happens, you can reapply the duct tape and try again!
The main rule is to cut off the blood and air supply to the affected area allowing it to drop off naturally. Of course, sometimes there are harder to reach places and bringing in someone to help is a good idea. These techniques won't work for everyone, as it will depend on where it is on your body, and of course the size of it!
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