Quick And Easy Christmas Ideas Good For Kids

Share: Christmas is such a fun time for kids
Christmas is such a fun time for kids. The magic of Santa Claus, all the decorations, the Nativity and, of course, the gift giving. But Christmas should also be a time for spending time together as a family. Creating something together is a wonderful to spend time as a family this holiday season. It's also a great way to make some simple, heartfelt gifts to give to friends and family. Here are some quick and easy ideas to use with your kids this holiday season.
Make Some Pine Cone Ornaments
This one is easy to do and perfect for the younger kids in the group. Simply gather pine cones of different sizes. If there are no pine trees where you live you can just as easily purchase them at any craft store. Put glue on the tips, spring with glitter and a ribbon at the top to hang and you have a lovely Christmas tree decoration.
Holiday Placemats from Christmas Cards
This activity is a great way to use up those Christmas cards that you hat to throw away from Christmas past. You will need old Christmas cards, construction paper, glue and clear contact paper or a laminator.
Remove the backs from the Christmas cards. Now place the cards in different positions on a piece of construction paper. The construction paper is the back of your placemat. When you have the cards how you want them on the construction paper glue them in place. Now cut out a piece of Con-tac paper slightly bigger than your place mat. Cover both the front and repeat for the back. You can also laminate the placemats.
Candy Cane Heart Decoration
This is another creative craft that is super easy for kids to make. You will need candy canes, ribbon or pipe cleaner and gold cord.
Lay the candy canes down in front of you. For each heart you will need two candy canes. Place the curved tops so the tips are facing each other and touching. Tie together with ribbon or red pipe cleaners. This is the top of your heart. Now bring the bottom together so they touch and form a heart. Again, tie together with ribbon or pipe cleaners. Tie a piece of gold cord to Candy Cane heart and hang either on the window or on your tree.
You can create some wonderful memories with your kids if you take the time to enjoy them. These simple craft ideas can help you make these memories for you and the ones you give them too.
by: Ryan Round
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