A Presidential Debate by:Kevin Thompson

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Talk about a controversial topic!
The recent debates were something else.
The interesting thing is this, if you're like me, you'd probably already decided who you were gonna vote for, long before election day ever came.
And then, as you watched the debates, the guy who ain't gettin your vote tended to get you a little riled up.
Yesterday afternoon I was reading an article that really got me going.
Try as I might, I couldn't figure out where in the heck this guy was coming from, so I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
Here's the content I'm referring to, in his own words.
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There is no need for my readers to get more out of life by doing less.
To start with, this is a ridiculous concept. We all know that the more you put into anything, the more you get out of it. For instance, if Bridget Jones had not put that blue string in the pot, all she would have had was soup.
I say, cram your agenda. Cram. Cram. Cram. Put as much as you can into life, so you can gets lots out of it. Never mind wasting your time eating, sleeping or showering...OK, maybe showering, but get as much done as you can today. You would not want to die with windows unwashed now, would you?
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I don't know how you feel, but let me tell you my thoughts.
I used to be a serious workaholic. I spent seven years fishing in Alaska prior to owning my own business, which I began in 1996.
So trust me, I know what it's like to cram your schedule full.
I also know what it's like to work your fingers to the bone, putting in long hours for very little pay while you get your business off the ground.
The whole time you're holding out hope that you'll figure everything out and things will improve soon.
But meanwhile, you know the statistics.
You know that most businesses fail within the first few years.
And the fact is, in the back of your mind, you keep wondering if yours will succeed.
Now, lest you think I'm getting off tack, I tell you this to make an important point.
Working hard has absolutely no correlation with how successful you are (although I firmly believe it affects your health, in a negative way.
And working hard has absolutely no correlation with how much money you make.
Most people would tend to argue this fact with me, and who can blame them.
I used to think there was a link myself.
Why else would I work so damned hard?
But here's the truth
I now work only a fraction of the time I used to, yet I make more money than I ever have in my life.
Now don't get me wrong, I do put in my time, and yes I have to be disciplined.
But the fact is, many days I now quit working around 2 in the afternoon.
I no longer work weekends.
I take more time off to enjoy life.
I take no less than 8 trips each year, because I love traveling.
And as a result, I'm a much happier and healthier person because I have so much less stress in my life.
So here's my theory
The concept of getting more out of life by doing less is far from ridiculous.
It's too bad more people don't understand the theory.
I have to admit, I wish I'd picked up on it long ago. But even at that, I sure am glad I understand it now.
I'll be sharing more with you in the coming weeks and months, and who knows, I might just show you a thing or two that will drastically improve your life, and your health.
About the author
Kevin Thompson is the owner of the massively popular Health Articles website. If you're ready to find out how you can start living the longest, healthiest and most prosperous lifestyle possible Almost Overnight, just go to www.healtharticles.org/subscribe.html
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