Preparing The Kids For Pregnancy

Share: Think about your child's personality when it comes time to tell them
. You know your child best. They may enjoy being sent little clues like you did with daddy, or they may just want you to tell them straight out. You could get lucky and have them walk in the room while you are announcing it. This happened to me when I was expecting child number four. I had just walked out of the bathroom waving the wand in the air to show my husband. I had no clue that my kids had walked into the room until I heard them screeching I was pregnant. Oops. Their Reactions Don't be shocked if at first your child acts distant, many children will respond to the news in their own way. One of your children may even start to pretend to be pregnant right along with you, mimicking everything you do. While another child may tell you they don't want you to bring home a new baby. These are all common reactions to the news, the way you handle it will determine the outcome. If your child seems reluctant to want another child in the home you may want to find out why. The only way to find out what's bugging him/her is to ask. Maybe they are just scared that you are going to stop loving them, or that everyone will forget about him/her when the baby is born. Showing them They are Important too A good way to do this is to make sure they get something the moment the baby is born, some have had the doctors give the sibling their own baby doll when their sibling was born. Try reading children's books with them to show them that it"ll be a good thing. Dad can always spend some one on one time with them. Involving Your Child in the Pregnancy This is their baby too, have your children accompany you to a few of the doctor visits. Let them hear the heartbeat of their little sister or brother. Watch their faces light up when they see the baby for the first time on the screen. There are many ways you can involve them, you can encourage them to help you decide on a name. Try letting them feel the baby kick for the first time by placing their hand on your swollen belly. It's easy to prepare the siblings for your new arrival as long as you involve them in the pregnancy along the way. They"ll be happy to be part of it and feel more of a connection to the baby when he/she is born.I am going to show you how to get pregnant right now. Pregnancy Miracle has helped thousands of women who need help
Preparing The Kids For Pregnancy.
Preparing The Kids For Pregnancy
By: Summer Madison
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