Preoperative Predictability Concerning Benignity Or Malignancy And Mesothelioma
Another interesting study is called, Localized mesothelioma of the pleura: benign
and malignant variants by N Okike, PE Bernatz and LB Woolner - The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol 75, 363-372. Here is an excerpt: Mesothelioma, even of the pleura alone, is a ubiquitous pathological designation. The diffuse variety is associated with an ominous prognosis. The localized mesothelioma generally has been assumed to be benign. A review of tumors from 60 patients with localized pleural mesothelioma seems to justify separation into benign (52 patients) and malignant (eight patients) variants. Histologic criteria are used primarily to make this division. No single clinical feature allowed preoperative predictability concerning benignity or malignancy, although extrathoracic osteoarthropathy was seen only with benign lesions (20 percent), usually those greater than 7 cm. Follow-up periods of as long as 24 years revealed recurrent tumor in only two of the 58 patients with benign lesions and revealed a survival curve identical to that of the general population. All of the patients with the malignant variety had recurrence or metastasis, and all but one were dead within 2 years of the initial operation. One patient died of tumor complications after 9 years. More aggressive local resection is indicated for the malignant variant.
Another interesting study is called, Re-expression of p16INK4a in mesothelioma cells results in cell cycle arrest, cell death, tumor suppression and tumor regression. By Frizelle SP, Grim J, Zhou J, Gupta P, Curiel DT, Geradts J, Kratzke RA. - Department of Medicine, Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis 55417, USA. Oncogene. 1998 Jun 18;16(24):3087-95. Here is an excerpt: Abstract - Absence of expression of the p16IKN4a gene product is commonly observed in mesothelioma tumors and cell lines, while wild-type pRB expression is maintained. We have examined the biologic and potential therapeutic role of re-expressing p16INK4a gene product in mesothelioma cells and tumors. Following transduction with a p16INK4a expressing adenovirus (Adp16), over-expression of p16INK4a in mesothelioma cells resulted in cell cycle arrest, inhibition of pRB phosphorylation, diminished cell growth, and eventual death of the transduced cells. Expression of p16INK4a protein was accompanied by decreased expression of pRB as detected by immunoblot and immunohistochemistry. Experiments in mesothelioma xenografts demonstrated inhibition of tumor formation, tumor growth arrest and diminished tumor size and spread. p16INK4a gene product expression was also demonstrated in intraperitoneal xenografts of human mesothelioma cells. These results demonstrate that p16INK4a gene transfer may play a therapeutic role in the treatment of mesothelioma.
Another interesting study is called, Peritoneal Malignant Mesothelioma versus Serous Papillary Adenocarcinoma: A Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Comparison - American Journal of Surgical Pathology: August 1989 - Volume 13 - Issue 8 by Bollinger, Dwight J. M.D.; Wick, Mark R. M.D.; Dehner, Louis P. M.D.; Mills, Stacey E. M.D.; Swanson, Paul E. M.D.; Clarke, Raymond E. M.D. Here is an excerpt: Abstract - In order to evaluate adjunctive histologic methods for separating mesothelioma (MM) and serous adenocarcinoma (SC), we studied 28 and 46 respective cases histochemically and immunohistochemically. Ten serous adenocarcinomas arose primarily in extraovarian sites within the abdomen. Diagnoses in each case were established retrospectively by a combination of electron microscopy and clinicopathologic correlation. A panel of antibodies to cytokeratin (CK), epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), B72.3, placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), S-100 protein, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), Leu M1, CA-125, and amylase (AM) was applied to paraffin sections of each case. Serous carcinoma was reactive for neutral mucins whereas mesothelioma was not; however, only 50% of adenocarcinoma cases stained in this manner. Peritoneal mesothelioma showed reactivity for CK (28 of 28 cases), EMA (24 of 28 cases), AM (five of 28 cases), CA-125 (four of 28 cases), and S-100 protein (three of 28 cases), but lacked B72.3, PLAP, and CEA. Three mesotheliomas expressed Leu M1, but in an extremely focal distribution. Serous carcinoma reacted for CK (46 of 46 cases), EMA (46 of 46 cases), CA-125 (42 of 46 cases), S-100 protein (40 of 46 cases), Leu M1 (34 of 46 cases; with diffuse staining), B72.3 (33 of 46 cases), PLAP (29 of 46 cases), AM (15 of 46 cases), and CEA (six of 46 cases). Two profiles (S-100 + B72.3; S-100 + PLAP) were seen in 41 of 46 serous adenocarcinoma cases but were absent in all mesotheliomas. Hence, these combinations of determinants are effective in separating such neoplasms diagnostically. Moreover, diffuse reactivity for Leu M1, B72.3, PLAP, or CEA in papillary peritoneal neoplasms appears to exclude the possibility of mesothelioma; however, focal Leu M1 reactivity may indeed be seen in mesothelioma. Although CA-125 is a sensitive marker for serous carcinoma, it is not effective in distinguishing it from mesothelioma.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to these fine researchers. If you found any of these excerpts interesting, please read the studies in their entirety.
by: Mont Wrobleski
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Preoperative Predictability Concerning Benignity Or Malignancy And Mesothelioma Shanghai