Premature Ejaculation | Major Causes and Natural Treatment for Premature Ejaculation
Controlling premature ejaculation is something that all men wish that they could do
. Each and every time that they have sex they pray or wish and hope that this night will be the night that they turn into a stud. Maybe if they kiss the right girl she will be his princess and fix this terrible curse. Sad to say but that is just not going to happen.
Major Causes
Over-sensitive penis. He might have a lot of worry on his penis, thus making his penis more sensitive. One of the ways to solve this would be to make the penis less sensitive by wearing a condom during sex. The layer of rubber will reduce the contact between the penis and the vagina, thus making it less sensitive. Another way would be to apply anesthetic creams on the penis. This is usually done 30 minutes before sex, and it must be washed off before sex. Failure to wash it off may cause erectile dysfunction and numbness in the vagina.
Masturbation and study pornography. It is perfectly fine to masturbate, but overdoing it might cause your penis to ejaculate more than it should. As your body gets used to frequent masturbation, it will tend to ejaculate sooner than it should. Masturbation is also related to watching porn. So to help you eliminate premature ejaculation, I would suggest that you cut down on these 2 habits.
Natural Treatment for Premature Ejaculation
Eating a sexually-healthy diet
There are also several foods you can eat in order to boost your sexual stamina naturally. I am not referring to any exotic and hard-to-get kind of foods here. Many of the foods you already have in your kitchen cabinet, such as honey and celery, contain the right nutrients to help enhance your stamina to make you last longer in bed!
Learn and practice better lovemaking techniques
As you know, premature ejaculation is largely caused by your inability to contain your sexual arousal during sex. And one way to work around this is to trim down the quantity of stimulus on your aware zones, especially your penis glans.
There are a few simple things you can do in this aspect. Things like having sex in positions which do not cause as much sensation on your genitals, and breathing techniques to keep you relaxed while making love can significantly improve your staying power in bed, and easily make you last several times longer!
Perform exercises to strengthen your sexual muscle
Your sexual muscle, or PC muscle, helps you to hold back an impending ejaculation when you reach the peak state of arousal. So logically if your PC muscle is not strong enough to do the job, you will end up easily losing control of yourself every time in bed.
All it takes to strengthen your PC muscle is just some simple exercises to repeatedly contract and expand the muscle in order to develop its ability to hold you back from ejaculating. Just a few days of exercising can dramatically improve how long you can last during sex!
Premature Ejaculation | Major Causes and Natural Treatment for Premature Ejaculation
By: steevaustin
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Premature Ejaculation | Major Causes and Natural Treatment for Premature Ejaculation Shanghai