Ppc Management - A Love Affair Or A Nightmare?

Share: Although search engine optimisation (SEO) is a great way to get free traffic
, even more exposure for your web site can be gained through Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. Research shows that close to 80% of targeted visitors to a web site come through SEO, the other 20% come through PPC campaigns. The major benefit of using PPC campaigns is that it allows you to attract the other 20% of customers that you would otherwise be missing. PPC does cost money, however, a properly managed PPC campaign can more than pay for itself. PPC management companies in the UK are experts at creating and optimising successful PPC ad campaigns.
Speedy and Highly Targeted
A major advantage of a campaign is that it is highly targeted to people that are searching for what you have to offer. A professional PPC management company can easily find the right keywords and test them properly, helping make your campaign very cost-effective. Conversion rates are easily measurable if you have knowledge of proper tracking methods. You can collect data related to conversion rate, cost per sale and click-through rate (CTR), allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your ad. Another huge advantage is that all of the vital feedback from your ad testing is immediate. Ad results are available very quickly, and can be adjusted and retested in a short amount of time.
Test, Test and Test Again!
Knowledge of running and testing varied campaigns to determine which will be most effective is a vital part of helping you spend your budget wisely. A professional PPC management company has the expertise to identify the ideal keywords for testing, can quickly determine maximum cost per click, write winning ads, create compelling copy, conduct efficient and detailed tracking and make tweaks and adjustments as needed to maximise the effectiveness of your advertising pounds. Without in-depth knowledge in all of these areas, a PPC campaign can end up costing much more money than it needs to. The profits gained from your investment in hiring professionals to manage your PPC campaigns is well worth the cost.
Track It!
The biggest pitfall encountered by inexperienced PPC managers is the lack of knowledge when it comes to tracking. It is vitally important to know what traffic you are receiving, where it is coming from, which keywords were used, where the user went using those keywords, and which keywords and combinations get the best results. A successful campaign includes not only picking and tracking the right keywords, but determining proper bids, writing good ad copy, creating compelling landing pages, creating proper links and headings, streamlining usability, and writing effective calls to action. PPC management companies are highly skilled in tracking and adjusting all of these items to maximise your PPC profits.
by: John King
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