Piles Treatment - Are You Looking For A Piles Treatment That Will Permanently Cure Your Piles?
Finding a piles treatment that works permanently is what many persistent sufferers of piles want
. Many people find piles, also known as hemorrhoids or hemroids, too embarrassing a complaint to talk with their doctor about and instead choose to treat their condition with one of many 'over-the-counter' treatments or creams.
The first point that should be made here is that you should always visit your doctor, regardless of how you feel about a condition. The condition of piles is very easy to self-diagnose but it is always advisable to get a qualified opinion from your practitioner to rule out any other, potentially worse, underlying issues.
Secondly, there is nothing wrong with using over-the-counter treatments. They are very effective in relieving the condition of piles; however, their results are, almost always, temporary and usually it is not long before the vast majority of people are suffering once again and are forced into repeating the application of these treatments.
Most piles treatments that can be purchased at your local chemist or pharmacy are easy to use but can often lead to embarrassing issues like suffering from an unexpected seepage and, because many of these treatments are oil based, there is also the possibility of oil staining in areas of your clothing that you would rather not have noticeable stains! Both of these issues can be countered by using absorbent towelling which works quite well but for many is as embarrassing in itself!
For anyone who has had, or who continually suffers from piles you have my sympathy. They are uncomfortable and painful and can have an immense impact on your life and how you live it and that is why so many people are miserable and will do anything to find a permanent solution, rather than making do with the quick fix provided by their local pharmacy.
There have been surgical methods around for quite some time that provide an effective and permanent (in most cases) solution to piles and these are hemorrhoid banding and laser treatments, it should be stressed however that using surgery should always be the last resort and used only when all else has failed.
Hemorrhoid banding is the more commonly used of the two procedures and consists of a rubber band being placed at the base of each pile to cut off circulation and this results in the pile falling off in 1 to 2 weeks. Banding causes extreme discomfort and is often painful, but it will rid you of piles! Laser treatment is a lot less painful but a considerably more expensive piles treatment but it will provide a permanent cure to piles.
by: Daniel Major
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Piles Treatment - Are You Looking For A Piles Treatment That Will Permanently Cure Your Piles? Shanghai