After writing an article on the potential of petrol prices continuing to rise the other week we thought we would update you as the coalition enters into military action against Libya. The chaos in the middle East has been one of the main causes of these problems and the military action will only worsen the effects.
With fuel prices rising every day Compare Car Insurance and make sure your not paying too much for your premium. looking for ways to reduce your outgoings on your car is key to balancing out the increase in the fuel prices.
Prices at the pumps have already hit 1.40 a litre which has made the 0.80 a litre price that made the country go on strike in 2000 look like a great deal. In 2000 the country was brought to its knees as hauliers blocked ports and other landmarks nationwide.
So as the country engages in military action with the coalition we may be facing deep problems on the home front. Many hauliers are still stuck on fixed price contracts and the rise in fuel will add further pain to their already problematic 2011. Whilst many feel sorry for the hauliers this hits business on the whole.
Many smaller companies don't have the luxury of fixed price contracts. They are seeing their prices rising as they try and ship items that they have made to fulfill orders. So no matter where the axe falls, it falls somewhere when there is a rise in fuel prices.
Whilst the Government has finally acted on entering Libya to help the militia's fight against the Gaddafi regime there is mounting pressure to cut the motorist a break. As VAT was increased in January the motorist has seen steady rise in fuel price, whilst this is helping to repay the deficit its hurting every person in the short term.
The 2011 Budget statement comes on Wednesday and the whole country will be watching to see if there are any breaks for them.
A way to save some of the extra money your paying for your petrol is to Compare Car Insuranceand see how much you can save.