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Penetrating Dampness Treatment

Before taking any action, you must need to confirm that the cause of dampness is water penetration and not the condensation or rising damp

. With cavity walls is easy to diagnose the penetrating damp than solid walls. In cavity walls the dampness is more visible and it dry out quickly after the rain. But in solid walls, it is a pretty hard job to diagnose the nature of the dampness and its cause.

There is a way to check if the dampness is cause due to water penetration or not. Take water and sprinkle it on the affected wall within the area of 2 meter wide and 3 meters above the surface of the dampness of the house. After an hour check the wall again. If you notice that the damp patch has become more prominent and spread in the wall, penetrating damp should be the problem.

Penetrating damp can be caused by leaks as well. Sometimes the water supply pipes sustain leak and water begins to infiltrate into the wall.

Dampness near Windows and Doors

External windows and doors are considered the main cause of penetrating dampness. However, the exact cause of this problem can be sometimes indefinable.

You should start from inspecting the seals between the frame and a wall. These seals should be well intact and firm. Inspect them closely as they might sustain some damage over time. Look for any cracks or small openings develop over a time in the frames or wall. These holes and cracks should be refilled with wall filler. If you notice large cracks, rake them back and refilled. As far as windows are concerned; check the drip channel in the sill for any clogging. If it is blocked or clogged remove the clogging.

Water penetration in solid walls can be due to the brickwork around the frame. As in case of crosswind, rain is shattered on the side jamb on either side of the window. By rearranging the brickwork on that certain area with water repellent treatment can help you to solve the problem.

Damp proof course is an important part of cavity walls. Any dampness around doors and windows on cavity wall should be due to the poor installation of damp proof course. Anything blocking the horizontal DPC can cause water to cross the cavity and results in dampness.

If you notice dampness on the side of an opening this can be due to the vertical DPC. Incorrect installation of vertical DPC sometimes cause water penetration on the side openings.

Mortar buildup on the surface of the sill can also be responsible for water penetration as it projects the water into the cavity due to the mortar lodge.

It is easy to clear the clogging rather than installing the DPC or doing other brickwork. Remove the clogging and check the results, if problem persists, you may have to contact builder for DPC or other brickwork.

Damp Spots on Walls

Any signs of damp spots on the surface of the wall far from the doors or windows can be of great concern. One possible reason for this dampness is cavity bridges. To examine the cavity, take one or two bricks out of the cavity to have a clear idea.

If you are supposed to remove a brick or two from the cavity wall, take a masonry drill and bore some tiny holes around the joints of the brick. Then take a flat chisel and scrub the remaining mortar off carefully. You need to be very careful while removing the brick. Try to remove the brick in one whole piece so that you can replace it later. Take special care that no piece of mortar or brick falls into the cavity as these pieces can work as a splashing or cavity bridge.

You can use torch and mirror to inspect the inner leaf of cavity through this hole. But there is a better way to examine the cavity. Remove the bricks from the outside corner of the wall. This will give you a clear view of the cavity without the need for torch or mirror. Most of the time, when you remove the brick, it remove the bridge. You can observe this by viewing the staining or fresh surface of mortar on the inner side of the cavity.

In case you are having penetrating dampness due to the mortar or brick obstruction in the cavity, you can use rigid pole or stiff wire to remove the obstruction.

Penetrating Dampness Treatment

By: Tauqeer Ul Hassan
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Penetrating Dampness Treatment Shanghai