Part Time Internet Marketers- Are You Using Your Time In The Best Way Possible?
Many people are part time Internet marketer all working about the same number of hours
. Some are more successful than others for a number of reasons.
One of the main differences between success and failure online comes down to how you spend your time. Many part time marketers get side tracked and waste time they should be using to work on other things.
Why is that?
1. They do not have a meaningful goal. Until you know exactly why you want to make money online it is to easy to play around when you should be focusing on hitting your goal.
2. They have not learned how to automate as much of their business as possible. I personally have seen the value of this.
Anything you can do to accomplish more in the minimum amount of time you have everyday the better off you will be. Article marketing is an example of this.
Using a submission service to submit to hundreds of article directories at a time is a big time saver over submitting articles manually. You are accomplishing so much more and saving time at the same time. This really adds up over the days, weeks, and years you are doing Internet marketing.
3. Not having a daily to do list and then working your list. There is are great feeling when you are getting things done and marking them off your list.
Plus writing your list forces you to focus on prioritizing you action items to move your Internet business forward. This way the things you are doing really matter.
4. Playing around and calling it work. This is a big problem because there are so many distractions online.
You know you should be posting in discussion forums, but you are downloading iTunes instead. You know you should be doing a blog article and bookmarking it to social directories, but you are playing online games instead.
Do not fall into the trap of thinking you are working 4 hours a day online when half of your time is really just goofing off. Wasting time will kill your online business if you are only working part time to start with.
5. Do you what you like best and outsource the rest. This is a catchy little phrase that is worth it's weight in gold.
There are very talented people online that will work for you at a fair price. You are better off to pay them to do things for you if you do not like to to them or do not know how to do them.
This is several thoughts on using your time more wisely as a part time internet marketer. You can make money on a part time basis if you work smart and utilize your time in the best manner possible.
by: Jeff Schuman
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Part Time Internet Marketers- Are You Using Your Time In The Best Way Possible? Shanghai