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Parenting Children: Eight Tips to Helping Your Teen Achieve Success

Parenting Children: Eight Tips to Helping Your Teen Achieve Success

Parenting Children: Eight Tips to Helping Your Teen Achieve Success

Most parents would like their children to be successful. A few kids seem to naturally gravitate to success: they're the ones selling snacks to beleaguered kids on the playground, and running their own web sites by ten.

What can parents do, however, about the child who has potential, but requires a helping hand in order to get there?

Perhaps the single most effective way to help your teen succeed is for them to study an actual, real-life example of success. This doesn't mean, by the way, that you have to be the one to provide that example. Rather, it means helping your child find someone who is amazing at whatever it is excites your child, and then learning how to follow in that person's steps.

Modeling: observing and mapping the successful processes which underlie an exceptional performance of some type.

Modeling success can be divided into 8 steps:

1) Help your teen uncover what they are really enthusiastic about.

Even though a teen may spend most of his time online or texting friends, that doesn't mean he's on his way to being an apps developer or a website owner.

Once your teen has an idea of what she's enthusiastic about, they can check out books, magazines, or groups in their area. Often high-schoolers can audit classes for moderate fee at a community college. They can also take a look at their local community center, which sometimes have a variety of unusual classes.

Online career aptitude test are also great for pinpointing potential interests, with the added benefit of a list of possible careers to explore according to your results. Remember, at this point your teen is not focusing on possible careers, although of course the best career is one that builds on your teens interests.

2) Choose the best person in the field.

Today this is a lot easier to do than it would have been even ten years ago. So why go for second place?

3) Find a live human being to mentor.

Your teen will probably have to compromise, and choose someone in their field of interest that isn't necessarily number 1. However, the benefits of being able to get feedback, tips, and just look over the shoulder of an expert more than outweighs the drawbacks.

4) Study every little thing about what that person does best.

Aside from the obvious books, articles, and web site, you might get lucky and be able to see a fewfree online video courses. Don't give up if you can't find anything at first; networking might lead you to some great content from a fellow admirer.

5) Don't just mindlessly do whatever they do.

Twenty percent of the energy we spend on something will give you 80% of the outcome that we want. There are usually a few essential things they did that were seemingly less important, but were actually crucial to success.

Encourage your teen to do whatever they have to in order to uncover what those actions are.

6) Model what they don't do.

Achieving your goal usually means doing several things of one sort, and steering clear of others at all costs. There's no need for your teen to reinvent the wheel, so encourage your teen to pay careful attention to their model's track record, and even asking outright, in order to avoid making the same mistakes.

7) Take the good and leave the bad.

It's a fact that some of our most useful inventions come from people with less than stellar backgrounds. Being a forerunner in your field doesn't necessarily mean you play fair, possess a good character, or are mentally well balanced.

If your teen's model is particularly offensive, you might want to reconsider whether or not this person is the right role model for your teen. Otherwise, help your teen learn how to take the good and leave the bad - perhaps encouraging them to find an additional role model that fits into your teen's and your family's values.

8) Be yourself.

It's natural to imitate others until you find your own unique point of view. At some point, though, your teen will need to take the bull by the horns and let their own special talents show. Not only will this let their true personality blossom, but it's also the best way for your teen to be a real winner.
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Parenting Children: Eight Tips to Helping Your Teen Achieve Success