OWN Your Traffic - And Make More Money Online With Squeeze Pages

Share: Frustrated with your web traffic? Tired of seeing little streams of prospect breeze through without buying?
Squeeze pages are your new best friend.
You've heard that classic statistic that your target customer needs to see your ad 7 times before deciding whether or not to buy right? So, rather than hope your online ads are so pervasive that they get seen that often, why not set up some squeeze pages to capture the name and email address of your interested traffic?
Then, your followup emails can do all that repetitive selling that we know as marketers equates to sales.
The process for setting up your squeeze pages is pretty simple - instead of driving traffic straight to your blog, or to a sales page or order form, drive your traffic to your squeeze pages first.
You might have one of your squeeze pages designed for people interested in, say, going skydiving, while another one of your squeeze pages collects the names and emails of people interested in buying parachutes. Then, your two squeeze pages have built you two email marketing lists, each targeted to a different consumer.
After your traffic is captured by your squeeze pages, you've got the ability to get your sales messages in front of them as often as every day. (Meanwhile, a lot of the traffic you're busy driving is being captured by your squeeze pages, and added to your list)...
You'll want to do everything you can to get your squeeze pages to convert at 50% or better, because then you'll know you're capturing most of your traffic, and it's not just going to waste.
As your squeeze pages funnel new leads into your lists, you'll have a larger and larger database of prospective customers to market to for free. And as your business grows, you can set up squeeze pages in different niches, different markets, and diversify your business by building new and fresh lists around a variety of interests.
Squeeze pages can shape and revolutionize your whole advertising strategy, but if you don't know the best way to get started building your list with squeeze pages, it can be an uphill battle to make it work.
Many newbies get stuck before their squeeze pages are even working, and there are plenty of other dangers standing between you and a series of squeeze pages that captures your traffic for increased revenues...
I've arranged for you to see an important sort video that details the best way to get started sending email and making money that you're likely to find, it's a method we teach here at Overcome Everything Inc that works wonders for us, and I'm confident it can help you too. Sign in on the next page to get your free video, and good luck with your first high converting squeeze pages!
OWN Your Traffic - And Make More Money Online With Squeeze Pages
By: Traffic Rangers
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