Overlooked Health Insurance Coverage

Share: Anybody can get sick at any time and without warning
. It's just a part of our human existence. This can be even more painful when you get caught in a situation where you are penniless and unable to get yourself medical assistance. Statistics show that an incredible number of Americans are uninsured and these numbers are continuing to increase. This is partly due to increases in unemployment which have hindered many people from getting insured. Even for some who are employed, insurance plans can be quite expensive and they opt to save by not getting one.
It's a good thing there are a lot of low cost insurance plans readily available for you to avail. In addition, numerous family and individual policy options are in the market for you to choose from. This is a good way for people to get insured at a low cost. When needing certain types of treatment, there are several effective and overlooked ways for getting coverage.
If you've lost your job, you can start by utilizing the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, or COBRA. If you become unemployed, you are able to continue the policy plan you have with your previous employer. This is an especially good option for a person who is suddenly unemployed while still undergoing medical treatment. College students can also avail of this act by continuing their parent's health insurance coverage through COBRA. This option, however, may require higher monthly payments than average premiums. You should gather all available insurance options you have available and choose one that best suits you and your particular situation because COBRA is only a temporary solution for 18 or in some cases 36 months.
If you are employed and get injured on the job, the best thing for you to do is inquire about worker's compensation coverage available in your workplace. Most employees do not realize the existence of this benefit in the workplace. You should be aware of this since the moment you incur a work related injury, your employer must offer to shoulder medical benefits such as hospitalization, treatment, and medication under the Worker's Compensation program.

Share: Another option to look into is the Medicaid Healthcare Plans. Each state has a specific requirement for eligibility of the person applying. Generally, Medicaid pays health expenses for low income generating families. If you are employed but still cannot afford family health insurance coverage, you can always inquire to see if the members of your family will qualify for the Medicaid Health Plan. You can also inquire for employees insurance plans offered in your company; however, benefits can be limited since this is often bought as a group plan.
You can also get individual and family insurance from different insurance companies. You can inquire about the packages available and the monthly payments for a premium offered. These plans are similar to what your employer would offer you in the company. The only difference is that you will have to pay at a higher rate since you will not have the group rate payments from an employer that would share the cost. Whatever insurance policy you want to take, compare packages and coverage provided and the payments for the premium offered. The moment you find a health insurance policy that meets your budget, do not hesitate to get one.
by: Casey Trillbar
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2024-12-4 16:15
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