Over The Counter Wart Treatment: Does It Work?

Share: If you have warts, you no doubt want to do whatever you can to get rid of them
. These are unsightly marks on your body that can really be embarrassing to deal with. If you have been to the doctor's office to get rid of them, you no doubt have been told about different treatments that include topical creams that can cause scarring and pigmentation issues as well as laser and chemical burns, too. For this reason, many people will opt to look at the over the counter wart treatment options available. So do these work?
No Cure
The fact is that there is no cure for warts. The bottom line is that your body will have to fight back against the virus that is causing these warts on its own in order for you to eradicate the warts from your skin. Some treatments, including both an over the counter wart treatment and a doctor-prescribed treatment, can actually burn away some of the blemishes and help your body to fight the infection, but the reason many people talk about a recurrence is because the virus is still inside the body.
A Better Fight
Because the fight against warts is not necessarily purely a topical fight at all, many people will find they get better success with their over the counter wart treatment when they choose a treatment that helps them fight the infection from the inside out. There are some over the counter options designed to boost your immune system so that your body can wage a more effective immune response to the virus that causes warts.
So Do They Work?
The bottom line is that you want to find a treatment that will work, and you want to know if an over the counter wart treatment will do the trick. There is no instant, overnight cure for warts, so you should be prepared to give whatever treatment you choose to go with enough time to work effectively with your body. While you may want to go for a topical treatment so see visible results, often the best results come from an oral treatment that attacks the virus from the inside out. These oral treatments do help you fight back against the infection that is causing your warts by boosting your immune system and giving your body more power to fight the infection naturally. Which treatment you choose to go with is a personal decision, but once you understand that warts are not just a topical issue, you will see that an oral solution is best.
by: Robert Schumann
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