Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates – The Truth
Ovarian cancer survival rates are as ambiguous as a weather report that says such and such percent chance of rain today
. Everyone knows it's a hundred percent chance of rain when it's raining, and zero when it's not. However to throw out the statistics in the standard way, according to the American Cancer Society more than 20,000 women are expected to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year, and 15,000 will die from the disease. Does that mean that three quarters of the women who receive an ovarian cancer prognosis are going to die? Not necessarily. On an individual basis it's just like the weather prediction for rain. It really all depends on how a women wants to go about treating her cancer whether she survives, dies, or if she has an ovarian cancer recurrence. Of course there are innumerable variables to be factored in such as her age, the type of cancer, how soon she discovered it, and how quickly she began dealing with it. If you want to be technical there are more than 30 different types of ovarian cancer all of which are categorized by the type of cell where they originate. If you want to be brutally honest and I want to, cancer is cancer. Regardless of the type or stage, it's manifest due to a weakened immune system and the only hope to overcoming it will be by freeing up and assisting the body's own immune responses. There are so many excellent remedies for performing both those task in the world of holistic cancer treatments, and more being uncovered all the time. To start besides stating the obvious of avoiding all foods that feed cancer such as sugar and foods or substances that weaken the immune system, a good cleansing fast is initially recommended. A juice fast is standard, drinking only fresh carrot, beet, apple, and ginger juice for example, to cleanse the colon and rejuvenate the liver. Periodic colon and liver cleanses are similarly helpful as is a diet of green foods along with other super foods. There are so many herbal remedies such as Essiac tea and amazingly effective diets such as The Budwig and Hallelujah Diet. The list is all but endless. Why not take advantage of all of them? If you do the research into alternative cancer cures and become seriously committed, your chances of not being one of the more than seventy-five percent of women who according to ovarian cancer survival rates succumb to the disease, are as good as a zero chance of rain when the sun is shining.
Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates The Truth
By: Jay Geary
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