Online tutoring the best way of learning virtually
Online tutoring the best way of learning virtually
Eevery person wants to get everything in life, some want to get richer in terms of money and wealth and some want to get more and more knowledge in terms of knowledge.
In order to get more and more money those who want to carry on their studies are unable to give time to their study because without money one cannot move a single step. So for such people a new venture is there to study and gain knowledge to the fullest as well as same time.
It is the constructivist principle on which they are based upon. The best possible synonym to e-moderation as well as e- learning is Online tutoring. It is very helpful for those people who want to carry on their study without any disturbance or interference. They can achieve the same by studying online with more or less all the features similar to the regular classes. There are different types of roles that are to be divided among the people who are related to this. This property makes it similar to the regular classes. So for such people a new venture is there to study and gain knowledge to the fullest as well as same time.
The different types of duties are categorised as pedagological role, the managerial role, the technical support, a support system as well as role of a group developer. A group developer is required to divide the class in segments of few students. It helps in managing as well as tracking the classes without any chaos. The pedagological role is also known as the educational role. It is very helpful for those people who want to carry on their study without any disturbance or interference.
The online tutors should be aware of the different stages that are required for learning. The requirements of the students should also be taken. They are the back bone of the class. Without the students there is no class that can run. So, special care should be given to them as well as their demands. Online tutoring is a great venture as well as it is running successfully too.