Online Data Backup - what is your options

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Online Data Backup
Online data backup also known as remote or managed backup is a way of saving your files and folders online. There are companies that provide a service of backing up your data over the internet for clients. Remote backup is becoming more and more popular as the internet grows, as an alternative to storing your data at your office or home.
A typical online backup would work around the client having to install a backing up software, which will run on a schedule typically once daily and usually at night when all the other computers are not running. The software program will then take the data, compress it and encrypt it, and then send the data over to the server of the company you have chosen to use for a backup service.
When considering a data backup there is so many different options available to you, different types of services, and even different types of encryption for your data. , the data which should be encrypted to at least 256 bits.
Advantages of Online Data Backup
Probably the most important factor in using remote backup is your data is stored off site, in another location, where as before the data would be backed up then physically taken to the other destination. This is very helpful in the case of floods or any other kind of disaster in the close vicinity of your business.
All the data is backed up including new files and this has a major advantage of manually backing up your data because storing your data on site, you will have a data backup software program, that will have a list of files to backup. But typically this software would miss new files added to the system.
Remote backup does not require a user to run the program; everything is set to a schedule so there is no need for manually putting in tapes or disks for backup.
Most remote backing companies will continuously backup your data through the day if need be, and they most probably will have a list of all your files for security.
Disadvantages of Online Backup
The most common problem with this type of backup is the internet connection, and the overall speed it would take to send your files to the server. It is typically slower than if you were to backup your data in house. If you were a home user wanting to backup your data, this would be slower again because upload speeds are much slower compared to download speeds.
It is quite possible that the remote backup company that you have used goes out of business, or perhaps that company has been taken over, this could possibly cause the end user problems in getting back there data.
If you decide on using an online data backup service there is hundreds out there to choose from, so do your homework first.
For more information on online data backup, and general information on Hdd backup please visit
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