Not Failing When Doctors Fail

Share: There really is such a thing as maternal instinct
. Any mother will vouch for that. We reach out to snuggle our newborn baby and form a special mother-child bond right from the get go. Mothers are first to know when their baby is crying or ill and will be there for him to comfort and help heal him.
New mothers will also be the first to admit that they certainly don't have a corner on all the knowledge required to keep their baby happy and well. Her instincts will tell her something is wrong, but not always how to set it right. This is when she will turn to her baby's doctor for help. After all, this is what they toiled away for eight years in medical school to do.
What some of these doctors and pediatricians fail to do is keep up with new medical technology after completing those eight strenuous college years. Doctors make errors when they stop learning. Unfortunately, unlike CPA's and gourmet chef's who fail to keep up with the latest in technology and marketing trends, a doctor's failure to stay on top of his field can be fatal. It is the patient who pays the penalty for the doctor's lack of knowledge.
You might have seen commercials on TV say that if you took this drug while pregnant and your child suffered birth defects to call a law firm. Pregnant mothers and unborn children are particularly susceptible to drug side effects. Because everything that goes in the mother is carried directly to her baby via her blood supply, doctors are supposed to be especially careful what they prescribe. Sadly however, sometimes doctors get lazy or fail to stay current on the newest information.
It is when this occurs that it is so important to get a lawyer. What's the point you might ask? After all a lawyer can't turn back time and the damage is already done. A law firm of course cannot cure side effects cause by drugs, but they can fight for you to get you the money you deserve. Raising a special needs child can be a real challenge and it can be very demanding.
A robust law firm on your side will battle to get you the funds to pay medical bills caused by medical malpractice. Besides the medical bills, the parent of a special needs child will need reimbursement for lost hours of work due to the necessity of caring for the stricken child. Lawyers understand the difficulty of the situation and will work tirelessly to see that your rights are secured. Lawyers know how they can use the legal system in this case to your advantage.
Parents love and protect their children and make things right when they go wrong. There are times when we just can't do it alone because we do not have expertise in the area where we need it. This is when friends, family and doctors come in. We trust doctors to do no harm to us or our child. When this trust is broken it is time to turn to the legal experts.
When this happens it does not make us failures as parents, it makes them failures as doctors. Then the best thing that we can do for both us and our child it to hire a strong law firm to be on our side and support us, and to fight for us to get us what we need to best care for our child.
by: Eric Layman
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