9 Easy Cmps Steps To Massive Success In Your Business

Share: So what is step #5 to get massive success in your business
? Video submission.
Now that you have your video complete, look online for video submission sites and submit your video.
To save some time and not have to do so much research, you can click on my link in the resource box. That will take you to my blog site where I have some links to video submission sites listed.
But, having said that, it is always good to try and do some of the research on your own. You never know what amazing sites you might discover for yourself.
You will want to submit your video to as many different submission sites as possible. Remember, this is a numbers game. You want to get as many eyeballs as you can looking at your video. Not only that but, you are trying to get as many links to your site as you can. That is extremely inportant to the search engines. They are always looking for fresh, good content to browse.
Now, I did not say it in my last article but, you want to try to keep your video to about ten minutes. For one thing, you dont want it to be too long. Getting people to click on your site is what you are trying to acheive. Your viewers will get bored if it is too long.
Not only that but, a lot of the submission sites have a time limit on them and they will not accept videos that are too long.
Videos are so popular that you will get a better ranking on your page because search engines see it as relevant and interesting to their viewers. So if you want to get ranked high in the search engines, I suggest that you get started on creating your video.
Also, your video does not have to be "ultra professional" just write out what you want to say and practice it until you are satified with your presentation.
More often that not less is more. So be direct! Out line the benefits of your product or service to your prospects and dont forget your call to action. Tell them what to do.
For example, if you want them to go to your site and fill out their name and email, say it. Dont be shy and scared to let the viewer know what you expect of them.
If you want them to call you then tell them to do so. And give them the times you are available. I cannot stress this enough. You will lose sales and potential prospects if you dont. And can you afford to leave this money on the table?
Submitting your video along with the other forms of media placement Ive told you about will get you traffic. But more important it will drive qualified traffic to your site or directly to you, if your aim is to have them call you.
Thats all there is to Step number five in creating massive success in your business.
Get to it and by all means have some fun!
See you in the next installment.
by: Joseph Lawson
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