Natural Eczema Cures That Doctors Never Talk About

Share: With all the eczema cures being promoted out there it can be hard to know which way to turn
, and what to focus on. You should also know that some cures can actually make your eczema condition worse, instead of helping you get better.
Treatments of Eczema - Cooking your foods minimises and/or destroys the vitamin content of your food. Granted not all vitamins are destroyed by heat but as much as 50% of vitamin B is lost through cooking for example. 80% of vitamin C is lost if a food is cooked for a prolonged period of time. The average overall nutrient destruction of cooked food is 85%! What that means is that often we only get approximately 15% of the total nutrient value of our food when it is cooked. With eczema we need to consume as much healthy nutrients as is possible.
The treatments listed above are just two treatments that can be used to treat eczema effectively. The best results are achieved when a variety of treatments are used together.
Juice fasting is a milder version of pure water fasting which some people seem to prefer. Juice fasting is a bit safer than pure water fasting when it comes to eczema cures. The body and digestive system can be a bit overwhelmed if you eat nothing for many days, and then suddenly start eating again. This could indeed worsen your eczema condition so be very careful and know what you are doing.

Share: Avoid irritants As mention in the previous tip many substances can cause flare ups on your unprotected skin. By keeping a close eye on these substances you can avoid a lot of pain. Wool, nylon and polyester should be avoided as the fibers of those materials can aggravate your skin, materials like rubber and plastic should also not be worn without a cotton under layer to keep them away from your skin. Any liquids with powerful chemical properties like detergent, chlorine, soap and so on should also be avoided
This treatment combats dermatitis and other skin conditions. Corticosteroids should be treated with caution as excessive usage can thin the skin and impair kidney function. Steroids can also eventually cause the bones to become brittle and weak. Keep control on your daily diet: You should avoid foods like dairy products, wheat nuts, preservatives, alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea. The different types of allergies we already discussed can be the culmination of the above foods we take in our diet. So avoiding these foods will keep your skin infection free.
First eczema home remedy is the coconut oil. It is available in all homes and it is cheaper than medicines. By applying the coconut oil on the affected area, the itching and inflammation on that part can be reduced.
by: Charles Zoe
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