More Natural Treatment Tips For Ibs

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Do you reject party invitations due to episodes of diarrhea?
IBS really makes life miserable.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is basically a disorder in the digestive system which is distinguished by cramps, constipation, abdominal pain, gas, and changes in your normal bowel function.
IBS is said to be a chronic disease and has no cure, however, the symptoms associated with it can be treated with natural ways.
More Natural Treatment Tips for IBS:
Ginger this natural remedy helps in eliminating irritable bowel syndrome related symptoms. You can take ginger in pill form or according to directions. Mix ginger slices with lime juice which can be taken after meals. You can also combine ginger with a pinch of rock salt and asafetida into a cup of warm water, which is good in removing gas.
Peppermint Oil it has menthol content which helps in relaxing muscles in the colon and minimizes bloating of irritable bowel syndrome. This also acts to reduce gut spasms. Enteric-coated capsules of peppermint oil are best taken as home remedy.
Flaxseed Oil this has antioxidant properties and fiber that keeps the colon less prone to irritation. You can mix flaxseed oil into your favorite juice. Also, you can add 1-3 tablespoons of the oil to a large glass of water, which can be consumed once a day.
Oatmeal the fiber content of oats helps in keeping regular bowel movements. Eating plain oatmeal is a natural remedy for irritable bowel syndrome. Insoluble fiber in oats makes the stool heavier and makes the passage thru the gut faster, thus relieving constipation.
Lemon it is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants that helps regularize your bowel movement and relieves from constipation. It is useful in cleaning the colon to take away toxic matters. You can squeeze a full lemon into water, do not add sugar, and drink.
Along with these natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome, you must also eat slowly and consciously, keep a food diary, stay away from caffeine and alcohol, avoid food that causes gas, and more. If symptoms or allergic reaction persist, consult your physician immediately for any medical advice.
by: Addison Hart
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