Making the best catnip toys

Share: If you are thinking over making catnip toys, there are a number of ways in which you can do it
. You can make simple hand-sewn toys, knitted toys and even felt toys for kittens. If you have to gift the toys to someone, it will be a great idea to make them on your own. People with cats will love these toys that you make for them as they appear good and also help them in saving a good amount of money. You can make catnip toys with the help of some scrap from your home and some catnip that you have grown in your home. This is way better than purchasing toys from a pet store. People who need catnip toys too frequently for their cats can save a lot of money if they make toys on their own.
When you are making catnip toys, the first thing to remember is that they have to be safe and fun to play with for the cats. While assembling the toys, car needs to be taken so that no strings are left out. This will prevent the cat from swallowing the tidbits and from choking hazards. If your cat swallows small things like buttons, beads and strings, it is possible that they may digest them and pass them out of their body but there is always a risk of choking and intestinal blockage. Make use of sturdy materials for making catnip toys.
Catnip that is used to make the toys can come from different sources. You can buy it from online stores that sell bulk dried catnip at affordable prices. You can use it to stuff the toys. Also, catnip can also be grown at home in full sun to part shade and on soil that is well drained. You can use containers to grow catnip or make use of your garden for the same. Make sure that your cats do not have a chance to go to the garden so that the plats are not destroyed.
Whether you are buying catnip toys from the market or making them at home, it is useful for you to make use of lightweight material. This will make sure that the toys last longer and can also hold up to the teeth and claws of the cats. Shape the toys in different innovative designs so that your cat loves it. If you wish to change the catnip in the toys regularly, you can place a zip or Velcro on the toys. This will make refilling easier. Use bright colors and patters.

Share: A number of brands sell catnip toys on the internet. You can take a look at them and select the ones that you like for your cats. If you are making the toys at home, you can get an idea of the designs and patters from the internet. Lasting toys can be made out of crochet and wool. Pay proper attention to the toys so that your kittens do not have any problems while playing with them. Everything, right from the material to the filling, everything has to be according to your kitten's needs.
Making the best catnip toys
By: Calico Catnip
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