Making Money Online - Getting Started

Share: When I am writing about the basic tools of internet marketing it is because the basics are what got me to where I started making money online
. I'm sure I could show that it has taken me longer than anybody else, nevertheless I started actually pulling in a few sales about a year ago.
What did I do to do it?
The first thing I did waste a lot of time learning about things I didn't really need. Maybe this is common but I went all out.
In order to tell you what I did to "get to the money" I'm going to have to flip back and forth now and then, so stick with me and you'll have a simple, and most importantly, bona fide, working plan.
The first thing I did, after I sort of got my bearings, was to learn how to make an html page, get a domain name, get some hosting, and get a page with an offer up on the web.
Hurray! But nothing happened.
Here's something I wish I had known about back in '08. Now, you can do eveything I just wrote out with a Squidoo site (they call them "lenses") and it's great quality AND FREE!
This is hard to beat for a first time step into the world of internet marketing. You need a place to show your offer.
Back to why nothing happened at my new site.
Well, it turns out that I didn't know some things.
So I went about trying to generate traffic to my site, which I soon found to be fairly easy, except for one thing. It's time consumptive.
I'm talking about article marketing, and you are reading one of my typical articles right now. It may even be at a site I never heard of.
But here's the thing.
You may be interested in what I'm talking about or why else would you be reading this article? That's what we'd like you to think about when you are considering article marketing for a good source of traffic.
The short story on article marketing is that it is easy to drive traffic to any site using this method. But not just any old traffic! These are people who are interested in what you are writing about and they might just like a little additional information, which you can deliver at your site.
But that's not all.
By using keywords you want to rank for in your resource box as text links to your site you will be improving your rankings for that keyword everytime the article publishes.
But that's not all, again.
This is the fastest way to an indexed, traffic site that I know of. You'll get traffic from your articles in ways you didn't forsee. The best of which is when an ezine publisher picks up your article and shows it to his list.
I had a huge 400 plus surge of visitors to one of my sites as a result of this.
So, now you are seeing marketing in a simpler way.
You know how to get a free domain name and hosting. This is the place where you put your offer.
And you also know how to get the right sort of visitors to your offer - article marketing.
Remember my simplified formula for making money online? It's OFFER + TRAFFIC = MONEY!
With this in place you are ready to really ramp up your skills at internet marketing because now you can find an offer you like, put it up at your site and domain name (url) and drive traffic to the offer to see how well it does!
Copyright (c) 2009 Riley West
by: Riley West
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