Make Money Online, Can I Seriously Do It?

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Making Money Online, here are some things you may want to know.
So often people are attracted to the thought of working online. They are enticed by reading online success stories and the 'I made so many thousands in so many days' stories! Whilst it is great to read testimonials about other's successes, do not allow it to blind you, you still have to work. Remember the old saying, what you sow you will reap. Of course there are people who have found success working from home, but you must research what field you wish to get into. The internet is massive, the opportunities are massive too; but don't be hoodwinked into thinking that just because you want to be successful that it will happen overnight. Online businesses usually have a massive lag factor. You work and don't usually see the benefits for a long time. Achieving your goals working an online job has to be treated as you would any other career choice; it takes time, a lot of effort, and an unfaltering discipline.
You have to start with the very basics. How much space do you need or have, what area of working online do you see yourself going into. Do you have anything in mind, like a current career or hobby that you would like to turn into your own business? Or are you going to work for an online company? To get to where you want to go you have to know what you want in the first place. Plan, plan and plan some more.
Don't be too eager to jump straight in, you will only fail and be discouraged when you realise there may be some areas within working from home that you did not even take into consideration...Space, Children, Family, housework. Sit with a large piece of paper and jot down the pros and cons (and yes there are both) of working from home. Think of your family situation, your current travel to work, take everything into consideration even if it means you stay with what you currently do, it is better to realise that now than after 6 months of stress.
Consider everything from your social aspect of working in a standard job with others, to working alone. It can get lonely so identify why working from home is right for you. It may be that you cannot go out to work as you have small children, live in an isolated spot so transport is an issue; or just want some extra household income. If you know it's for you then plan within your days and weeks that you still have social time with family and friends, and do not allow it all to be work, work, and work. Take tea breaks, lunch breaks, days off and time out for yourself too. Whether your decision to work from home is based on time, money, or fun; make a point of knowing exactly why you would like to do it and this will enable you in the long and short term to stay motivated and keep with it.
What is your overall goal? Where do you intend to go with it? How do you see yourself getting there? Goals are so important; ensure you have them written down for both the short and long term. Don't just do this in a few minutes, seriously consider these goals, and it is important that they are realistic and achievable, yes have big goals but also small goals to get there too.
Set out how you intend to reach these goals and aspirations. Will you use an online forum orsocial sites that take you from your home to the bigger community around the world? There are so many opportunities for you to consider; so again it's plan, plan, plan. Do you want to sell, be an administrator, type, run your own business? You have an idea of why you would like to work from home, so this will allow you to put down these ideas and realise what is realistic and what is not. One thing I will stress is don't fall into the trap of the big promises of fast and large payouts, as you will soon become disillusioned. Stay focussed on the reasons that you have written down as to why you want to work from home, this will keep you focused.
Research, Research and Research some more:
Find what is right for you and your home situation. If working for a company thoroughly research what they want out of you in relation to output and hours, it's no use saying you can work 8 hours from home when you can only do 1 hour a day, be realistic and ensure they pay, or money you can earn is enough for what you would expect and need. Do you have time to allow a business to build up or do you need instant payback. All these things have to be taken into consideration when you are doing your research.
You may have great ideas; but ideas alone will not give you success. What has to be said here is that it takes time, dedication, discipline and research and then the world as they say is your oyster. This allows you to be answerable to no one but then it also means you cannot blame anyone if you fail. Hard work up front will ease any bedding-in pain, don't be disheartened by the thought of all the preparation that you may need. If it's what you really want and need then it will be worth the upfront effort required and allow you to work from home without too much stress as by this stage you will know what to expect instead of going at it blindly.
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