Low Vitamin D Levels in children Raise Insulin Concerns
Low Vitamin D Levels in children Raise Insulin Concerns
A new study published in the Archives of disease in Childhood journal shows that kids with low serum vitamin D levels are at risk for increasing insulin resistance and in turn diabetes.
Studies are just that, studies. They never give us a full picture what is really going on. They never give us the exact cause and effect as there are so many different variables to consider. They do an excellent job at helping us to understand how things are connected and correlated. Studies however can offer some great insight into some potential causes and they can also offer some ways that we could potentially avoid the ailments studied.
In the study that we are talking about, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) had their researchers studying the relationship between 25-hydroxy vitamin D and children's fasting glucose levels. They also looked at the relationship to insulin and insulin sensitivity in obese and non-obese children. The study included 85 children that ranged from age four to 18 years in age. All of the children came from a local community and sleep center in Philadelphia. The CHOP researchers closely examined and measured the fasting blood glucose levels, insulin and 25-OH-vitamin D levels of the children in the study. The researchers also calculated insulin resistance using homeostatis model assessment (HOMA). The body mass index or BMI-z and standard deviation was also recorded. Share:
53 nmol/l was the median vitamin D level for the children in the study. 26 percent of all the subjects in the study showed sufficient Vitamin D Levels (sufficient means higher than 70 nmol/l). The study also showed that 27 percent of the children in the study had intermediate levels of vitamin D (50 to 75 nmol/l). The biggest shock of the study was that 47 percent of the kids had insufficient (25 to 50 nmol/l) levels of vitamin D. The conclusion was that lower vitamin D levels in children were associated with higher fasting blood glucose levels. Although, low vitamin D levels are common in children, it is still something that we should be concerned about. These dangerously low levels of vitamin D put the children at risk for diabetes and increasing insulin resistance. In short, this study provides evidence that lower vitamin D levels in children correlates with more disease and less tools that we have to fight and combat these diseases.