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Legitimate Internet Business-how To Spot One

Legitimate Internet Business-how To Spot One

There are a lot of internet businesses out there especially work from home offers

. Most people think that a majority of them are scams. The truth is, with the advent of internet security, more and more of these fake business offers are easily unveiled making it harder for scammers to scam people. So if an offer is presented to you, Im pretty sure that one out of ten, its a legitimate internet business. Spotting a scam is easy but when it comes to spotting a legitimate online business, we sometimes hesitate if it is real or not especially if it asks for an upfront payment. It sounds legit but you still cant decide if you want to join or not.

Here are some pointers on spotting a legitimate internet business:

Video testimonials

Written testimonials can be easily crafted. If you have been to one of a business offer website, the pictures of those who supposedly submitted there testimonials must have been taken from some random facebook account or an image search in google. Im not saying that if an offer has no video testimonials, its a scam. All Im saying is that if it has a lot of video testimonials, its probably a legitimate one. Video testimonials alone though do not guarantee the legitimacy of a business opportunity.

Articles and forums

If you are still hesitant of a business opportunity after seeing some video testimonials, you can try hitting the search engines. If there are articles or forum discussions that confirm the falseness of that company or website, it probably is. Read the article or posts though, they may just say that this company is a scam in the title but in the body or post, they actually say the opposite.


They post contact information such as phone number and e-mail address. If it is just an e-mail address, wait for them to contact you. It would be safer though if they can call you.

Video testimonials and a clean search make a legitimate internet business but if they leave an additional contact information even if it is just an e-mail address, that is a perfect hundred percent score for the legitimacy of a business.

Business offers abound on the internet. Most of them are legit but most of them are really not that good an opportunity as well. Check out this legitimate internet business. Visit the link to find out what makes this opportunity stand out from the rest.

by: Alvin Dionaldo
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Legitimate Internet Business-how To Spot One Shanghai