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Learn To Speak Spanish With Free Online Resources

Learn To Speak Spanish With Free Online Resources

If you would like to learn to speak Spanish free online

, the choices open to you have never been greater. There are a huge amount of resources available to you to help you learn to speak Spanish free to at least up to a basic level, relatively quickly.

Not all free material is that great some are excellent whilst what other sites offer is really not very good at all but hopefully this article will provide you with some ideas for free resources that will certainly help you to learn to speak Spanish, and save you quite a bit of time surfing and searching the net.

1. Translation services to help you Learn to speak Spanish:

When you learn to speak Spanish, in the beginning especially, you will inevitably come up against words and phrases that you don't understand and need translating.

There are a number of free tools available to you and using a combination of these will give you a pretty accurate free translation service. These services are Freetranslation; Babelfish and the Google language tool.

The reason I suggest to use a combination of these tools is that they are automated translations and not human translations and sometimes you will have some very strange results, but by combining and comparing you will eventually arrive at a pretty accurate translation (in most cases).

2. Free Video Streams that will help you Learn To Speak Spanish:

You can find many streamed videos on the internet that will give you first hand knowledge of the Spanish language in action; be they normal Spanish programs or educational programming. One site of exceptional quality that I feel you need to visit is the BBC website. They have an excellent educational sub site that has a language section that covers Spanish amongst other languages. Although the free learning material is designed to accompany the BBC educational programming there are many streamed videos that can be used including a Spanish soap opera for students of the language. The BBC educational site will certainly help you learn Spanish.

3. Free online courses designed to help you Learn to Speak Spanish.

There are certainly many free Spanish courses available on the internet, some good some not so good. Some are designed to teach you Spanish the same way you are taught languages at school; concentrating on grammar and the like first, whereas other courses recognize that people want to communicate as quickly as possible and therefore concentrate on learning conversational Spanish first.

It is this latter type of course that you should concentrate on. Too many people start to learn to speak Spanish and then give up very quickly as they get bored learning and memorizing grammar When it makes much more sense to embrace the language right from the start by actually learning to SPEAK Spanish.

So to conclude, the internet has opened up the doors to language study and there is an ocean of free material to help you, but in order to give yourself the best opportunity of success, it is advisable to sign up for a good Spanish course that has structure and progressive courses.

by: Daniel Major
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