Kyiv Lions Club helps children, so called social orphans

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On the 12th, 19th and 20th of February, volunteers from the Kyiv Lions Club were helping Boas and Mirjam Adolphi, founders of the family type rehabilitation centre, to renovate bedrooms and play rooms.
The relationship between Kyiv Lions Club and "Friend's House" started in summer 2009, when the Club agreed to finance the installation of a kitchen for the sum of 20000 UAH. In 2010 followed the replacement of kitchen appliances for the orphanage at the sum of 49000 UAH. Since visiting "Friends House" and understanding the work they perform, Kyiv Lions Club has been glad to assist whenever they can.
Since 1999 "Friend's House" has offered children, who suffered abuse and ran away to live on the street, the chance to be part of a family again. 12 kids of various ages now live together at the "Friend's House".
"My husband once told me a story about dogs helping street children in Ukraine. I thought: "Dothe dogs care more for these children, than people do?". That is how we came upon the idea of opening a foster home. Since "Friend's House" opened its doors, we have taken care of 42 children and hundreds of street children in Kyiv. But I don't think, that we could have achieved so much, if it wasn't for our friends like Kyiv Lions Club", commented Mirjam Adolphi, founder of the "Friend's House".
"The decision of whether to help an organisation or not is always taken at a meeting of the club members. When Mirjam and Boas presented their application, we approved unanimously. They really do worthwhile work, and the results are self-evident. To paint walls and hang wallpaper isn't easy, even with 12 kids trying to help you, but our team managed and we are really happy to have made a difference", stated Dave Young, President of the Kyiv Lions Club.
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