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Know the Basics of Butyl Tri Glycol Ether Petrochemical Solvent

Know the Basics of Butyl Tri Glycol Ether Petrochemical Solvent

Know the Basics of Butyl Tri Glycol Ether Petrochemical Solvent

Butyl triglycol ether (also known as BTGE, butyl tri tetra, triethylene glycol butyl ether, butoxy triglycol and triglycol monobutyl ether) is a clear, colourless liquid with a mild odour. It is miscible in water, has low volatility, and has the formula C10H22O4.

Production, Storage and Distribution

Butyl triglycol ether is produced as the result of ethylene oxide reacting with alcohol. Global consumption of butyl tri glycol ether is estimated at approximately 21,000 tonnes per year.Know the Basics of Butyl Tri Glycol Ether Petrochemical Solvent

BTGE can be stored and transported in stainless steel, mild steel, or carbon steel drums and/or tanks and must be kept in a well-ventilated area. It is not classified as dangerous for any form of transport but is classed as an Irritant. It has a flash point of 156 oC (closed cup) and a specific gravity of 0.985.


If you are going to be using this chemical, you should take care to not expose yourself to it without wearing proper gear and safety equipment. If you are exposed, you can follow the following guidelines. If you are exposed to it via your skin, you need to wash the exposed area and cover it. If your clothes or shoes are exposed, you will need to wash both thoroughly before wearing them again. If any pain persists, you need to contact a medical professional. It is unlikely you will need to do this, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

For inhalation, you should immediately go to an area that is well ventilated. Oxygen supplementation will help. If that isn't available and breathing is difficult, you should immediately contact a medical professional.


The main use of BTGE is as component of the base blend used in the manufacture of hydraulic oils, especially brake fluids. It is a useful component in paint stripping formulations as it has low volatility, and is also employed as a dye carrier in textile dyeing processes. Butyl tri glycol ether is a solvent for oils, gums, soaps, and grease so is a component found in many industrial and household cleaners. It also acts as a coalescent in the coatings industry as it is a solvent for nitrocellulose.

If you are going to buy BTGE, you should take care that you are safe and properly use it. Do not purchase it if you are not fully aware of the uses. If you need to get your hands on BTGE, you will need to get it from one of chemical suppliers on the Internet. You may need special permission to purchase this chemical. Contact the company to make sure.
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Know the Basics of Butyl Tri Glycol Ether Petrochemical Solvent Dongying