A Killer Marketing Strategy That Will Quadruple Your Results

Share: When you start your network marketing business the first question that you ask your
self is 'how am I going to market this and who to?' You will be told by your up line to make a list of all the people you know and to contact them preferably by telephone to tell them all about the great company that you have joined and all the super products that are on offer. This is of course a good starting place and you may get some interest and you might even shift a couple of products, but as you can see that you will eventually run out of people to talk to.
So what do you do when you have gone through your list? You can't go back to top of your list and start over because you will then become an annoyance. This is where you need to learn marketing tactics that will boost your results tenfold, perceive you as an expert, put distributors into your down line, and grow your business at warp speed and one strategy that I have learnt and would recommend is article marketing and all though when you first come across it looks complicated but is actually very easy, you will need to spend a small amount of cash on some software but this a cheap alternative compared to pay per click and you don't have to be an expert writer, I have not done much writing since I left school, but I am still able to write.
If you learn by reading article's by other author's but do not copy them as it is best to have your own original content, you will soon develop a skill in writing. The tools that I use is a blog of my own i.e. one that is self hosted, and a piece of software called Automatic Article Submitter, the cost of these is a no brainer as Automatic Article Submitter has a ninety day money back guarantee so you cannot lose and owning your own blog site costs less than ten dollars per month for hosting and it will yield results provided that you follow this marketing strategy and stick to it, so if you don't have the resources or desire to do expensive pay per click then I would definitely recommend that you try this one.
It is very hard to create free traffic but the key to this is persistence, and posting a new post at least three times weekly, daily if you can will bring traffic to your blog over time. It does not matter if your blog does not look good as there is no point in spending loads of time on the design of it and making it in to a fancy blog if no one can see it, what you need to do is find a theme that you like and start blogging you can always tweak it later.
by: Peter Brown
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