Jaden Daniels Shares His Online Marketing Steps

Share: After I finish my blog, I do a video on the same topic
. I upload the video to Youtube. I also share it with Facebook and Twitter from Youtube.
After I finish, uploading the video to Youtube, I get the embedded code and put the video and blog on my blog site. jadendaniels.com. Then I upload the video to other video sites. Video marketing is very powerful. Google gives video high ranking.
The next step is to take the blog and make it into an article. Article marketing is very powerful, also. Once you got the article written, reword it so you have two articles on the same subject, but the content is not duplicated. Better yet, do it three times. That is what I do.
I upload one of them to Ezine Articles, one to Hubpages, and one to Squidoo. Those are quality sites that rank high in Google, too.
Next, I comment on different peoples blogs and articles. Sometimes depending on the site, you can add your link to the comment. Another way to get free traffic to your online business.
Once I am done with that, I use ping.fm to let people know I have a new blog. I, also, bookmark my articles and blogs in delicious and dig.
Once I am done with all of these steps, I usually start over or study. I like to continue my education. That is the key to making in the online world.
I did not say much about landing pages, but you need to have quality landing pages to send your traffic to. Let tell you, all landing pages are not created equal. Google ranks capture / landing pages that have more content higher than the ones that are just one page.
My Brand Builder Pro system teaches you an easy way to make capture pages using their system.
The guys at My Brand Builder Pro are always on top of the technology. When it changes, they are on top of it and they teach it to you right away.
My Brand Builder Pro is a Self Syndicate System, and I think it is the best system out there.
Jaden Daniels
by: jadendaniels
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