PVA for Craigslist can be time consuming to obtain or just outright expensive
. When a phone verified account goes on hold it is lost forever. You have probably been unlucky enough to have this happen to at least one of your PVA. What causes this and how can it be avoided? The biggest killer of PVAs on Craigslist is your IP, and many people aren't even aware of this. Are you killing your accounts with your IP?
Craigslist uses a number of measures to log and track user activity on their site. One of these is the logging of IPs. IPs leave a footprint and are the easiest way for any website to track account activity. No-one knows for sure exactly where and when Craigslist tracks your IP, but it is almost certain that your IP is logged when accounts are created. This isn't a problem if you just have one phone verified account and don't post very often on Craigslist, but it is if you use multiple PVA. Don't create too many accounts at Craigslist using the same IP. It is very obvious that if 10 new accounts are created within a 24 hour period and they all come from the same IP that it is one person creating multiple accounts.
To get the most out of your PVA for Craigslist, make sure you are careful with your IP. Don't create too many accounts with the same IP and always do your best to make sure you are using different IPs where possible. This will help you get the most out of your phone verified accounts.