Internet Marketing - 4 Quick Tips To Benefit Long Term From Your Marketing Efforts

Share: Internet marketing can provide long term results if you do it right
. What I am specifically referring to is promoting your website or blog in a number of different ways to broaden your advertising reach.
Here are 4 tips I can offer you to get your urls all over the internet to drive more traffic over a long period of time.
1. Promote a landing page or splash page and not an affiliate or network marketing sales page. Rather than trying to sell things first you should try and build your email list first.
As your list grows so will the number of repeat visitors you get because building a mailing list is an excellent way to get long term traffic. You do this by putting the url to your landing page in as many different types of advertising as possible.
Put it in the resource box of all articles you submit to article directories. Add it to blog posts and bookmark those to the top social directories such as Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Technorati, and so on.
Promote it in classified ad directories, ppc advertising, forums, ezine advertising, and just everywhere you can think of. Many of these links will be archived and can bring you traffic long after you even remember marketing them.
2. Think in terms of volume and not quality. This is really true in blogging and article marketing.
You should be aiming to get 2 times as many articles in the top directories such as Ezine Articles, Go Articles, Idea Marketers and so forth. I am not saying to not write a good article.
What I mean is pick up the pace. You are not trying to win a Pulitzer Prize here. Write a useful article and get it on the internet where people can find it. To get more traffic you need to get more articles online.
3. Think about your target audience in every way you promote on the internet. Everything you do should be viewed through the eyes of your readers.
Work at writing ads, articles, landing pages, blog posts, and more with the idea that someone is going to read this. You will get more traffic and opt in subscribers if you provide useful information that helps your readers and builds your credibility.
4. Become educated in how to do internet marketing by watching how the experts do it. Create a swipe file and use it to develop good ad campaigns of your own.
Write better articles or blog posts by learning how the people making big money online do it. By implementing strategies the big boys use someday you could be a six figure income earner or higher yourself.
By using these 4 quick tips to become a better internet marketer you will benefit long term from your marketing efforts.
by: Jeff Schuman
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Internet Marketing - 4 Quick Tips To Benefit Long Term From Your Marketing Efforts Shanghai