Internet Browser

Share: Internet browser is a software program for traversing
, presenting and retrieving information resources on WWW (World Wide Web). Information resources are identified by Uri (Uniform Resource Identifier) and may be a image, video, web page or other piece of content. Hyperlinks are useful to navigate their browser to related resource which can be an image, video, web page, text etc.
Primary objective of Internet browser to access World Wide Web, but they can also be access private networks or files in file system. This process begins when user inputs a Uri and determines how Uri will be interpreted. Mostly URI started with http (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and mostly browser supported it. Some other prefixes are: HTTPS, FTP. For this bowser use various technologies to support all this.
Internet browser can display any kind of content that can be part of web page. Browser required plug-in and java applet to support image, audio, video and flash content. If content of file is unknown browser promote the user to save file to disk. Information resource contains hyperlinks to other information resources. Hyperlinks contain URI(Uniform Resource Identifier) of a resource. When user click on hyperlink browser navigates to the resource indicated by hyperlink and browser brings all content of page. Sometimes Browser is referred to as Internet Suites.
Support Wide variety of files formats and protocol
Additional component to support e-mail, Usenet news, Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Allow multiple information resources at the same time
Multiple browser or Tab
Pop-up Blocker
Support Flash and Java applet
Book-mark facility also called Favorites
Built-in Web feed also called live bookmarks
Download Plug-in which provide extra features
User interface: All Browsers have user interface element
Back and Forward button
Refresh and Reload button
Stop button to cancel downloading resources
Home button
Address bar for URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
Search bar
Status bar to show progress in loading the resources
by: Arber
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