Identify The Programs Offered In A Live-in Alcohol Treatment Facility

Share: Alcohol addiction like any other substance addiction can bring devastating effects on a person's health and quality of life
. The best treatment method for individuals suffering from alcohol addiction is a live-in treatment plan. In this particular treatment option patient's environment is well-regulated to ensure strict compliance to the treatment plan.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, inpatient rehabilitation facilities are special sections in the hospital that cater to addiction problems. They will help the patients who have special cases of withdrawal symptoms as the side effects of detoxification process. This treatment option may not be covered by insurance companies that is why there is a decline on the number of patients admitted in this center. This would be very useful for teenagers, dual diagnosed patients and those with severe cases of addiction.
Residential Programs

Share: The plan of residential treatment program requires the patient to remain in the treatment center for a month with minimal social interactions within the course of treatment. This will help the client focus on the treatment while eliminating social pressures from outside that might hinder rehabilitation. Social and pharmacological approaches are used in this program.
Psychological Therapy
The goal of psychological therapy is to deal with the issue that led the client to alcoholism. It could be stress, job loss, broken relationships or family problems. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to determine the cause of alcohol abuse and to teach them ways on how to interpret and respond to situations that may lead to alcohol abuse. After the treatment, the patients are referred to self-help groups for the continuation of treatment.
Pharmacological Treatment
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, there are number of drugs which are found effective in treating alcoholism. Some of these drugs are Disulfiram, Naltrexone and Acamprosate. Naltrexone and Acamprosate help lessen the sense of pleasure when taking alcohol, Disulfiram on the other hand creates a very painful experience when a client consumes alcohol.
Available Facilities
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration offers a brochure of all the treatment facilities that offer live-in facilities. You can also call 800-662-4357 to inquire about the treatment center near you. Private alcohol rehabs can also be searched in the yellow pages under "Drug Abuse". Treatment centers under the state health department are found in the blue pages.
Do not let alcoholism take a grip of your life. There are alcohol rehabilitation centers that could assist you in your struggle. Decide to change your life today.
by: Ericka Lopez
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