Joey Kissimmee is about the launch his first brand new product 'Mass Marketing Mayhem' and it's making the online gurus nervous.
By definition Mass marketing from the dictionary means:
a) road-brush, unfocussed attempt to appeal to an entire market with one basic marketing strategy utilizing mass distribution and mass media. Also called undifferentiated marketing.
Joey Kissimmee is about to release a mass marketing program. Joey's product is called "Mass Marketing Mayhem" and in it Joey reveals the secret to marketing online for free but not everyone is happy.
All eyes are on Joey over the next few days leading up to the launch of his new product Mass Marketing Mayhem. Why? Because others had tried to stop Joey launching it and big offers were being made to 'buy' the rights for Joey's new program. They saw the potential and how successful it will be. But after many meetings and contemplation, Joey said no to all the money being thrown at him and decided to launch the program himself. Joey will take the leap of faith and enters the product game but will he succeed?
MMM (Mass Marketign Mayhem is a program that Joey Kissimmee created to allow his students to market on the internet in the same manner as the top gurus. The only difference is, that the top gurus pay for all their traffic, and Joey Kissimmee's methods are all done without ever paying for any advertising whatsoever.
But will the ruthless world of internet marketing bring him down before he starts? Rumors are circulating within the industry that Joey is retiring but Joey has come back with a video where he categorically denies. In his video he released he explains that he is not retiring and he will continue to help his students succeed online.
There are many other programs and products out there that teach and train new and experienced marketers alike how to drive more traffic to their site, like The 7 Figure Marketing School and other smaller affiliate marketing sites that will teach you how to market online.
Joey's explained that his new program will show step by step how to increase exposure without spending a lot on advertising but for someone to come out with a program that covers everything and explains how to market for free in my opinion is well overdue.