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How to Succeed at Affiliate Marketing Without a Website by:Glen Speckmann

How to Succeed at Affiliate Marketing Without a Website by:Glen Speckmann

Affiliate Marketers all claim that you must have your own website to succeed in affiliate marketing

. They say that your website is your store front on the internet and that it is an absolute necessity. This is not true. You do not need a website to be a successful affiliate marketer.

Granted, having your own website will put your personal stamp to your affiliate marketing business and will greatly increase your efforts in building a long lasting business, but you can generate a substantial income without one.

How can this be possible? What do I have to do?

Well, as you know when you join an affiliate program you are given your own personal affiliate link. This link will take your customer to a sales page, selling the product that you are promoting. Your work is done and it is up to the sales page to turn your potential customer into a paying one.

The trick is how to promote that link to a targeted market. Here are 3 proven methods to start bringing in the money:

1. Article Marketing

Article Marketing is a great way to market your links as well as build your name throughout the internet. Write an article or rewrite a PLR article on the subject of the affiliate product that you are promoting. Then, submit it to as many article directories that you can.

These article directories allow you to include a resource box at the end of your article. You can tell a little about yourself and pre-sell your product in a sentence or two. Just include your affiliate link at this time. You may also be able to include a link in the body of the article with some sites, just be sure to read their rules first.

2. Forum Marketing

Online communities, known as forums, are another great place to promote your affiliate links. Free membership in PHP 2.0 based forums allow you a signature box that will display after every post or reply that you make. This is where you will promote your affiliate link, again by pre-selling it in a couple of sentences.

Be sure to read the rules of the forum to know what is allowed in your signature box. To find these forums just type your keywords followed by "forum" into your favorite search engine.

3. Advertise in E-Zines

This method may cost a little bit of money, but the exposure can be well worth it if you find the right E-Zines. You are basically paying for advertising space in their E-Zine that will be sent to all of their subscribers. This can easily be in the 10,000 to 50,000 range.

Simply use your affiliate link in these ads and you will be exposed to a lot of highly targeted prospects.

As you can see, you can succeed and make a great deal of money with affiliate marketing, without having your own website. Your affiliate link does all of the work for you, you just need to promote it. This is a great way to get started, but I do suggest taking some of your profits and reinvesting in your online business. At this time you may see a need for a website and can afford it. You will then have a strong internet business that can last a lifetime.

About the author

Glen Speckmann is a successful Internet Marketer and offers free advice on making money on the internet and personal development.

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How to Succeed at Affiliate Marketing Without a Website by:Glen Speckmann