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How To Monetize Your Link Exchange Directory

How To Monetize Your Link Exchange Directory

Link building is seen as a very effective means to increase the traffic flow to the website

. This has to be done in a thoughtful and systematic manner. There are many who have started maintaining link exchange directories. To understand the concept of this directory one had to understand what linking is all about. It is the procedure of placing links to other websites on your site, and when it is clicked the user will be able to read the other site. This is a very good means of increasing traffic flow. The concept of creating a directory to keep sites which are interested on linking is popular now.

Link Exchange Directories

This is site which has a database of sites which are looking to link up. These sites are catalogued according to their content. The users can go through these articles, blogs and websites, pick the most suitable one and request for a link. This is done in a very convenient manner. The concept of reciprocal linking were the link is shared backwards is also possible. When we put our link on someone elses site, we provide space for their link on our site. This is beneficial to both the parties. A link exchange directory is the most popular means of getting quality links.

Creating income from link directories

Free Link Exchange Directory sites are very popular. There are means to increase the turn over from these sites. Charging a small fee will help in collecting revenue. If the directory is good and maintained well, then most people will not mind shelling put an amount to register. This makes sense and the site can be maintained up to standards all the time.

Sustainable Link Exchange directory

Maintaining a link exchange directory is a very difficult task. It is seen that many have started the site but quit because the returns are less. Increasing the number of registrations is not difficult. Charging a nominal fee or introducing Google Adsense is a good way to increase revenue. The more popular and user friendly the site is, more visitors will be willing to pay a fee to have their sites to feature in the reciprocal link exchange directory. It is not an easy task to generate income through this but it is source of steady income.

by: Kevin Wilde
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