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How to Mitigate Negative Equity by:Talbert Williams

How to Mitigate Negative Equity by:Talbert Williams

Negative equity is the difference between balance and equity

. In other words, if you are applying for

an equity loan and the balance owed on the home is greater than the value of the home, then this is

called negative equity.

One of the loans you could take out to avoid negative equity is the 100% loan, provided that the

home falls below the value worth. The loans that offer a portion of the current home value may be

optional, since if the equity drops, you have lesser chance of paying more for the home, and the

negative equity most likely won't have a lasting affect. The 100% loans are secured loans that often

have increased interest rates. The lenders will often include the high rates in the event negative

equity occurs to protect against loss.

The lenders will often include an indemnity guarantee, which is an insurance. In the event that the

equity drops below value, the lender will still receive his money. The indemnities are often steep

over the course of the loan.

Another area that the lender will consider is if the home is seated in an unusual area. It may become

difficult to get an equity loan if the home is composed of aluminum, metal, concrete, lumber, or


In the event your home is considered unusual and you do find a loan against equity, you most likely

will pay high rates of interest and mortgage repayments.

Finally, shopping around is important when considering equity loans. Even though certain variables

will get you better terms than others; they may get you even better terms at one firm than at another.

This is why you should shop around and compare all of the different rates and terms to find an

equity loan that is tailored to your exact needs and at a reasonable price.

About the author

Talbert Williams offers debt consolidation referrals and advice. For more information, articles, news, tools and valuable resources on debt solutions, visit this site:
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