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How To Learn Twitter

How To Learn Twitter

The last 12 months has been the arrival of the social networking site Twitter in the mainstream

. Everyone from celebrities, big businesses and even politicians seem to be using it. The question is: should you be using it too?

Thats right, you should be using it. You certainly dont want to miss this boat. But in order to use something and use it successfully, you have to learn how.

There are several methods to learn about Twitter. Below are a couple of suggestions you may choose to take up.


Twitter is now part of the mainstream that you can go into any bookshop and find books offering a users manual on how to use Twitter. For some people going to the bookshop may be a hassle, which is why you should probably use a service such as Amazon.


If you do a search on Google for the term how to use Twitter then you will find a big number of websites which explain how to do different things on Twitter. Most of these are just text with screenshots showing you how to do each step of the process.

Video Tutorials

Possibly the best and most common way to learn how to use Twitter is through video tutorials. It's a popular method because it allows a lot of information to be consumed much quicker. The fact that you can visually see each step of the process creates little confusion in the mind of the viewer about how to do something. How great is that?

At the end of the day, youre the one who chooses which method to use to learn about Twitter. Everyone learns differently and at a different speed so choose the method which most suits you. It doesn't matter whether you prefer one method over another because the most important thing is going out there and learning about it. You can do anything if you are willing to put in the time and effort to know how to use one of the best online marketing tools.

by: Martin Sejas
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