How to get money fast for kids

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How to get money fast for kids
You can beg, steal, borrow or earn to get money fast for kids. Begging might get you a little eventually, stealing is never a good idea, borrowing will necessitate repaying, so I will focus on earning in this article.
How to start earning
Kids can offer to help people they know to do things that they can do for reward. It is best to offer a particular service (not is there anything I can do for you?) at a specific (carefully calculated) price on a take it or leave it basis. There is no harm in mentioning that the reason for the offer is that you need to get money fast, people can identify with that and might be keen to reward your initiative. The service should be offered to people who are likely to need or want the service (e.g. elderly people for manual jobs), and who can afford to pay for the service. It's probably best to start with people who you know and feel comfortable with, possibly a family member or offer to do it for free (this way you can build up experience, confidence and request a written testimonial to use in approaching future potential customers). Timing can be important, when it comes to offering your services or sending reminders.
Plan first
The starting point is to sit down with a paper and pencil and write down ideas for 1) what you could do, 2) for whom, 3) how, 4) when, 5) where and 6) why potential customers might be interested. Also return to your list and re-consider from time to time how you could vary or tweak these 6 essential factors for greater profitability. You can gradually push beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone in offering the service to others. You can adapt things as you go in response to what you learn from experiences along the way, about getting money fast.
Some ideas
Here are a few ideas to get you started (make sure your parents or guardians approve first). Do household chores (dusting, cleaning windows, polishing), gardening chores (mow lawns, or clear driveways), baby-sit young children, walk dogs, house sit or look after pets when neighbours go away.
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