How To Deal With Cooling Water For Your Water Treatment?
As the development of science and technology, there is a great variety of new things
, such as water treatment system, which have already brought us much convenience in our life, especially for the industries. Cooling water treatment is such equipment mainly for the industries' need, which is one kind of water treatment system. Nowadays, cooling water treatment is no longer strange to most of people.
The heat is removed from the equipment or other things in the industries with the help of cooling water, which is used as the heat conductor. As a matter of fact, it is said that the cooling water is used to help cool automobile internal combustion engines and large industrial facilities such as steam electric power plants, hydroelectric generators, petroleum refineries and so on. It can also be used in other fields, such as the barrels, heat exchangers and personal computers and so on.
Using cooling water treatment can make convenient for our work. Here are many advantages. First point is that water cooling is better than air cooling in high specific heat capacity, density, and thermal conductivity. For this reason, the more distance can be transmitted with less volumetric flow and reduced temperature difference. What's more, the water jacket around an engine is very useful because it can deaden mechanical noises to the engine much quieter. If you want to cool the CPU, it will be a good choice. Second point is to save cost. The unnecessary heat can be removed to the atmosphere by cooling water treatment. Cooling water plays an important role during the process. The majority of the heat can be removed by the cooling tower, and the rest heat will be removed by transfer to the substantial airflow passing through the cooling tower. Relatively speaking, water is a low cost compared to other heat transfer.
Since the cooling water treatment is of great importance to factories, it is necessary to maintain it properly. There are some points needed to be taken into consideration. First, it would be better not to choose Drought conditions and increasing water usage, which will have a bad effect on the service time. And it may increase the cost. Second is about the blowdown of the cooling water treatment, whose disposal many result in increased cost. Apart from it, downtime, equipment damage, loss of process control, high water use, environmental violations, safety hazards and increased energy use can not be neglected.
All in all, we not only need high quality
cooling water treatment, but also proper maintenance. So, you'd better have basic knowledge on the cooling water treatment.
by: dbfd
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