How To Choose The Right Health Insurance Policy

Share: With private medical insurance if you become ill you can get treatment much more quickly than having to wait for treatment on the NHS
. In these difficult times it may be tempting to cancel you private medical cover because of money worries. However you could save money by shopping around for private medical insurance that could mean that you don't have to give up this valuable protection.
Why Choose Private Medical Insurance
Increasingly people concerned about long waiting times on the NHS and worried about stories of dirty NHS hospitals riddled with superbugs have been turning to private medical insurance. In reality waiting times on the NHS have been reduced in the last couple of years and the incidence of so-called super bugs has also reduced. However private medical insurance will still probably mean much quicker access to treatment and may also give you more choice about where and when you are treated.
The NHS has been around for more than 60 years and is facing the challenge of dealing with a higher population, a higher percentage of older people, people living for longer and working longer. On top of this is the cost of implementing costly new treatments and drugs as a result of medical advances. Private medical insurance could mean that you have access to drugs and treatments not available on the NHS.

Share: How does Private Medical Care Compare with the NHS?
Most of the doctors and nurses working in the private sector have some experience and training in the NHS. In fact many of the health professionals working in the private sector also work in the NHS. They also have the same qualifications and training, and when someone is employed in the private sector the same checks are made as they would be for someone being employed by the NHS. The private sector like the NHS has best practice guidelines and policies to ensure that patients receive the best treatment possible. Private hospitals are also covered by the same minimum standards as the NHS and regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
Why Private Medical Insurance Might be Right for You?
Faster medical treatment when and where it suits you no need to wait for treatment on the NHS.
Treatment at a time and place that's convenient to you.
Lower premiums for healthier lifestyles discounts of up to 15 per cent on next year's premiums.
Private medical insurance can be tailored to your needs and your budget.
Private medical insurance can give you access to treatment in a choice of up to 300 or 400 clean and comfortable private and NHS hospitals usually with ensuite rooms.
No claims discounts can reduce premiums by up to 66 per cent - these discounts can normally be protected.
Quick access to consultants and tests to find out what's wrong - no waiting lists.
Often there is no medical required to take out private medical insurance.
Access to consultants, specialists and quality treatment.
Policies often have 24-hour medical helplines.

Share: You can also decide if you want cover for complimentary therapies, for example, physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropracty or homeopathy. You can add one or both of these options.
How to Find the right Private Medical Insurance
Private medical insurance is complicated and it's essential that you choose the right policy. We specialise in medical insurance cover and will search the market and help you find the right cover at the best price available. Quotes for medical insurance are free and you are under no obligation.
by: Seo Majesty
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