How To Brainstorm Product Ideas In Less Than 24 Hours

Share: By now you are sick of hearing that you should create a product in a niche you are passionate about
. Well that advice is well and good, it can actually be detrimental to your bottom line.
Now to help make this picture come into focus, here is a perfect example from my own life. I am passionate about movies and jogging. However, after some in depth research, I discovered that creating a sound online business around these two niches isn't as probable as I had hoped.
Luckily a world of possibility opened up for me when my marketing coach explained that I didn't necessarily have to love a niche, to profit from it.
If you take the time do do even a little bit of research, you will find that there are an endless amount of niches you can dominate and profit from. The best niches I have found are those with people searching for solutions.
To get your creative juices flowing, try to recall some of the problems you think others want solved, and what solutions you could offer to them. Try using the examples below to help your brainstorm some new ideas:
- An awkward, shy man who has trouble talking to the opposite sex is looking for a solution that will help him meet more women
- A teenager with bad acne is looking for a solution that will clear up his skin.
- Someone who wants to learn to play guitar
Do you see how in each of these examples, someone is searching for a solution? Thousands of extremely profitable products are created to help solve people's problems. By simply using examples like I showed you in the exercise above, you can easily train yourself to recognize problems, and then create solutions. The next step is to act on one of your great new ideas!
by: Jason W Tarasi
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