How Massage Treatment Assists An Addict Recover

Share: In some cases, conventional substance addiction therapies don't seem to work for abusers
. But alternative treatments like massage therapy can be a good addition as an instrument to help addiction patients overcome their condition. This method helps him in encouraging detoxification and dealing with withdrawals which are often uncomfortable or painful.
As holistic therapy has been accepted, the use of massage therapy to treat drug abuse has become known. Massage stimulates relaxation and healing in an individual's mind and body by utilizing a mixture of movements and systematic pressure application to control the soft tissues which results to the cultivation of well-being.
In many drug addiction recovery program sources, it's stated that there are twelve main energy channels in the body that are likely to be blocked. The energy can be blocked by licensed and qualified therapists by aiding patients to relax and be relieved from internal stress that could develop into anxiety or stress. Such stress is a contributing factor to substance abuse. As experts in rehab facilities use massage therapy, patients will experience a decreased negativity that prevents the potential of the addict to crave for illegal drugs and other substances.
Usually, the benefits of massage treatment to drug rehabilitation include improved energy, boosted immune system, increased circulation, relaxed muscles, decreased pain, reduced tension and stress, improved digestion, toxin removal and fast healing. When a person obtains sobriety and is undergoing detoxification, they are likely to experience signs and symptoms like depression, anxiety and headaches. During the therapy, massage works by promoting the detox process as it eliminates body toxins. Also, the process produces endorphins, the natural mood booster of the body.

Share: People who have been asking about drug addiction rehab, mostly end up with realizing the usefulness of therapeutic massage in healing, minimizing and avoiding symptoms of substance abuse. Most massage experts believe that there's an association between massage and psychosomatics which indicates the strong link between the mind and body. This philosophy claims that the healing mind and body will result to faster and stronger drug addiction recovery. Often, professional therapists integrate this method into their treatment plans.
Massage remedy provides a positive way for an addict to feel better and give himself the right care. It's an effective means to make a change in his way of life to stay away from self-destructive behaviors. For the best results, a weekly massage must be undertaken by the addicted person.
by: Jose Smith
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