How Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment Works

Share: Individuals with dual diagnosis are found to have both drug addiction and mental problems
. Normally, they are treated using an integrated dual diagnosis where a team of professionals deal with their ailments from the beginning of the treatment procedure to their total recovery. There is no available conventional treatment option for dual diagnosis wherein the triggers should be determined to understand the association of drug abuse to mental illness and vise versa.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment organizations provide integrated treatment programs that eliminate administrative and organizational lapses as substance abuse and mental problem services are given by the same group. With this kind of approach, the two disorders are regarded as primary and they are provided with concurrent treatment solutions.
Dual disorder sufferers are able to get the ideal treatment results when every component of the treatment program is incorporated and not giving attention to the component will lead to the complete ineffectiveness of the treatment program. Substance abuse must be focused while considering other substantial aspects of the affected person's functioning like his social relationships, work, standard of living and housing so that he'll be able to make a good lifestyle without drugs and alcohol.
According to statistics, out of three individuals, one of them suffers from a mental disorder and about 40 to 60 percent of them suffer from drug use at the same time. Those who're diagnosed to have dual disorders are likely to be put in the hospital, have psychiatric relapses and become homeless.

Share: An integrated treatment approach to dual diagnoses includes helping the affected individual to ascertain recovery goals by recognizing the effect of substance abuse to his life and the way his mental health diagnosis will impact his likelihood to use the substance. With an integrated dual diagnosis treatment, the patient will be informed about the medicines that he takes for his mental disorder and how those medications interact with the drugs he uses.
The team of professionals of this integrated treatment program will help the patient determine the aspects of his life which must be given extra assistance like his abilities to socialize and think of a good career. With this program, the affected person will be assisted until he's able to acquire the ability that can help him live independently and deal with his relationships with individuals around him. Even though dual diagnosis is a unusual case, the most vital thing is that Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers are available to offer help to patients.
by: Joey Young
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