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How Health Insurance Gave My Family Peace Of Mind

How Health Insurance Gave My Family Peace Of Mind

My husband and I are in our fifties, and needless to say we need help now and then

, especially with medical and health situations. Recently, on our trip to NYC, my husband fell ill and I had to rush him to an out of state hospital. I thought I had it all covered by the insurance company I have, but got the shock of my life when I was told it was not in the network. I ended up borrowing money from my sons who stay in NYC to pay the outstanding medical bills. It is but embarrassing to ask your kids to pay for you, and more embarrassing at the hospital when such rejections are made.

Do we know what tomorrow brings?

None of us can predict what can happen tomorrow with our health. You can never be too sure if tomorrow morning wakes you up fit and fine. Look at my husband, he was all energized and fit when we landed for out holiday in NYC, and that night he fell sick. And we didnt have enough money in hand to get him the treatment he needed, because we thought our health insurance would have taken care of that. This is why I would advise you for peace of mind to have the right health insurance policy in place. With a reliable health insurance policy in place, and from a company you can trust, peace of mind is guaranteed, which my husband and I now have.

Switch before the embarrassment happensHow Health Insurance Gave My Family Peace Of Mind

I saw what I had to pay, rather borrow to pay for the hospital bills if my husband saw then that would have sent him into another shock. Honestly, ordinary folk like us cannot manage such hospital bills and expenses. Hence we decided to switch our health insurance policy to a reliable one which would allow us some peace of mind, when it came to costs of treatments. Now we dont have to worry about getting money at the eleventh hour for critical medical attention. And I would like to now tell you why you should have the right health insurance policy.

The proper health insurance policy would cover all your hospital expenses while you are hospitalized.

There are rates meant especially for certain serious illnesses and diseases that you can get coverage for too.

Reputed and reliable health insurance companies would tell you which schemes are valid and under which circumstances you can claim for benefits.

Remove the confusion, smart people speak to specialists

Most of us wouldnt know where to pick up a reliable health insurance policy from. If you check online or check with family and friends, you could get information on how to pick the right health insurance policy for your needs. But it would be wise to speak to at least four to five health insurance companies and get their quotes for the same. Compare the quotes and then decide which one would best suit your needs.

Look at what annual premium amount you would have to pay, it should be affordable and not a burden at the end of the day. Get in touch with an expert on health insurance policies if need be, and ensure that you find the right health policy today. Dont postpone the decision any further, sleep well at night for now you know your health needs have a back up.

by: Eloise Kate
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