How Effective Is Laser Toe-nail Fungus Treatment

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Laser Treatment in Toe-nail Fungus:
Everyone wants to put their best foot forward, but people with toe-nail fungus go to great lengths to keep their feet under wraps. Toe-nail fungus causes nails to become thick, yellow and brittle in a way that looks ugly and can be painful. Not only is toe fungus ugly and embarrassing, it's also easy to catch, as it thrives in wet environments. Infected patients can spend years and lot of money in an attempt to treat the infection with drugs, topical treatments and home remedies, sometimes of no avail.
Canadian podiatrists have begun using laser treatment that combats the infection. The podiatrist aims a laser beam at the patients toe-nails to kill the organisms that cause the fungus. The laser beam travels through the nail to the level of the nail fungus and kills the fungus instantly. Treatments typically take 30 to 45 minutes for up to 10 toes. Depending on the severity of the problem and the laser used, patients may need one to four treatment sessions.

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The Food and Drug Administration had cleared the use of PinPointe FootLaser system in 2008. PinPointe FootLaser had then submitted its innovative new laser treatment for toe-nail fungus to Health Canada for approval. As the Federal department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, Health Canada reviewed this solution to assess its safety, effectiveness and quality before finally authorizing it for sale in Canada. PinPointe FootLaser is one of the most popular and effective methods of laser treatment in Vancouver now. This uses a patented thermal laser (1064nm) technology to target the pathogen that causes the fungus, thus ensuring that the fungus gets attacked at all levels.
The treatment is safe, painless, does not use any drugs or anesthesia and has no side-effects. The laser light passes through the toe-nail without causing damage to the nail or surrounding skin. While results aren't immediate, the toe-nail will grow out normally in nine to 12 months, in most cases.
Doctors have said that about 80% of patients have had success with laser treatment of toe-nail fungus.
A company-funded study of 34 patients and 26 treated toes published last year in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association found that after four laser treatments, 85% of the nails showed new growth without fungus.
While laser treatment for toe-nail fungus has now become easily accessible, it is advisable to prevent the fungus. Fungus can enter the nail through a cuticle trimming, through an injury near the nail or even a crack on the surface of the skin near the nail. Killing the nail fungus does not mean you will not get it again. Hence it is important to practice good foot hygiene. Also try and avoid moist and wet environments.
by: Stella Richard
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